In reply to  E Lab's message of Mon, 22 Oct 2007 18:55:55 -0500:
Hi Ronald, 
>Lets talk apples and no lemons. The only time ANY measurements have been
>made, because it is not possible to add anything to the #7 unit without
>killing the operation, was with the units before #7 where a generator was
>used. When a generator is used you can measure voltage and current in the
>input. Power in the #7 unit is a wild ass guess based upon 20 LEDS at 3.8
>forward volts with a current of 20mA. All LEDS are in series, split across
>the coils. Now if this is not close, how would someone explain such
>brightness from all those LEDS. Just to make you happy and allow you to cry
>additional foul, a current circuit is driving 75 LEDS per side, and I count
>this as 150 total LEDS giving blinding output.
Could you now do all of us a favor, and turn off the signal generator
altogether, if it isn't already? (It reduces the problem space).


Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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