I still have to chuckle over the "six (or maybe it was five)" thing...

...it's almost to the level of a comedy routine. Where are Abbott and Costello when we need them?

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
[Apologies if folks have already seen this one -- it was new to me. I think Jones may already have speculated about this possibility also, but this article goes into quite a bit more detail than anything I noticed previously on Vortex.]

Interesting article, with a possible explanation for the "impossible" missing nukes:


Capsule summary: The nukes were intended for Iran, and the plane was supposed to head off to war. But there is a lot of reluctance in the upper echelons of the military to take the (arguably insane) step of nuking Iran, and instead of going according to plan, the whole thing blew up in the government's face, derailed by folks who decided blow the whistle rather than march over a cliff on Cheney's orders.

*  *  *

I tend to discount such complex and implausible-sounding theories in general but in this case, every other theory I've heard for how the military could have "lost track" of 6 (or 5) nuclear-armed missiles has seemed to require an inconceivable level of incompetence, stupidity, and dereliction of duty on the part of quite a number of people. This "explanation", at least, has the advantage of actually explaining what we saw, rather than just exchanging one totally unbelievable chain of events for a different one.

(The notion that the plane was heading for Iran only makes sense, however, if it's practical for a B-52 to fly nonstop from the U.S. to Iran on a bombing mission. Otherwise, it still would have made more sense to ship the things to Diego Garcia by transport plane and load them onto the wings of the bomber at that point, and we're back to square 1 with people in the Air Force behaving in senseless ways for no apparent reason. I don't know the answer to this one; with mid-air refueling they could do it, but would they plan on that, and would they prefer that (rather dangerous) operation to stopping over at DG? Or could a B-52 do the whole mission without refueling?)

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