Once again, Foxnews.com shows it's intellectual prowess for
entertainment with the following commentary regarding the recent UFO
flap that happened in Texas.


TITLE: It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's Boredom
By Greg Gutfield.

So in Stephenville, Texas, a dozen or so people reported seeing a
large object with bright lights flying low and fast in their
neighborhood. They called it a UFO, although I might call it "a

See, I've always felt that there are two kinds of people in this
world: Those who see UFOS and the rest of us.

The fact of the matter is no one ever sees alien spacecraft in big
cities or places where there's a decent Wal-Mart. Sightings of strange
flying objects only occur in small towns, where there is little else
to do but hope and pray for an anal probing. This is not an insult.

Small towns are great because it's quiet and the beer is cheap — two
factors that allow for wishful thinking. See, to me UFOs are the small
city version of big city recycling. I mean, I'm sure recycling exists,
but I've never seen it. Seems like it all goes into one bin.

It's not that I don't believe in UFOs, it's just that I don't need the
unknown to complicate matters. I see things outside my apartment that
are all too real and disgusting — and sometimes they fly. They aren't
UFOs. They're pigeons. And they can't even work a probe — sadly.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 2 a.m. ET.
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Steven Vincent Johnson

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