Ed Stoms mentions in the video that electrical production may be possible with thermal to electric generations. These would be of very low efficiency and not suitable for your cell phone. I believe that without the lack of a proper theory, he has missed the main point.

Thermoelectric converters are being explored by several companies and are getting sufficiently efficient, especially because the CF fuel is essentially free. The main point of the talk was to show that the effect is real. A proper theory is needed and will gradually be developed when sufficient experimental data has accumulated. Right now most of the experimental data is worthless as the basis for a theory. However, it has great value to show that the effect is real. We need to learn how to crawl we before we can run.
I asked Ed a few years back, "Did anyone try radio frequency stimulation?" He said someone did and it did not work. Did not work to produce thermal energy, maybe. I tried to present Miley with a disclosure on my the radio frequency technique a few years back. He did not accept the disclosure. I am still mum about the details.

Unless you can show the details, no one will take your idea seriously. You can't make a buck just from ideas, so why keep them secret? This is especially true because most ideas have no reality at all, except to the originator.

I did not believe that high energy exits the cold fusion process and then degrades through a process of collision. I believe that process takes place at thermal energy. The connection with the thermal stimulation is clear. This thermal energy is orders of magnitude removed from nuclear energy. The heat of a supernova is required to transform lead. One more order of magnitude shift downward and we have radio energy. We can, through the use of diode, convert this radio energy directly to electrical energy. My theorem, "The constants of the motion tend toward the electromagnetic in a Bose condensate that is stimulated at the dimensional frequency of 1.094 megahertz meters" shows the way. With an adjustment of the domain and the frequency the greatest potential of the process will be realized. I'm going to try it again with my non existent lab and my non existent funding. Frank Znidarsic

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