In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:28:57 -0500:
>OrionWorks wrote:
>>PS: Yesterday in the mists of observing the whiteout I noticed 
>>several of my colleagues at work (who are of the conservative 
>>persuasion) who appeared to be positively gleeful. I gather that 
>>yesterday's winter demonstration was proof, from their POV, that 
>>Global Warming is nothing more than a crock hatched by the liberals, 
>>that Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" crusade is a bunch of hooey.
>Typical amateur mistakes. Very annoying. See:
>Biased sample
>Hasty generalization
>Misleading vividness
I'm afraid it's worse than that. Global warming adds energy to the system, which
in turn results in greater amplitude in the oscillations. This means higher
highs, but also lower lows. Therefore locally "extreme" cold weather may
actually be a confirmation of global warming, rather than a repudiation.


Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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