Just for the Record, MY G-D is cool with me and has promised me and my
descendants for eternity all of France. I am allowed to bring up to 21
friends with me, and have decided the best way to proceed is to sell these
21 places to the highest bidder. What could be fairer?  I mean, what is
Eternal Salvation worth to YOU?

Just think of it: Eternal Salvation, great cheeses AND great skiing!

And for those winners who don't like the French or having to learn French,
my plan is simply to expel them entirely.  After all, it will all be MY
Land, to do with what I want.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 6:27 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Sez Here, Entire U.S. Could Blow Up At Any Moment

My faithful friend Thomas wrote:-

<<Great site! Thank you for posting it Mark. This is yet another reason
that I'm not the least bit worried about climate change.

I wonder if they mention the Yellowstone caldera?>>

LOL. No, they don't. I trawled though pages of REALLY BIG PRINT and FUNNY 
COLOURED FONTS and BIBLICAL PROPHECY. This site claims that the whole of the

U.S. is going to blow up because the natural gas reservoir which apparently 
underlies ALL of your land, and is completely interconnected, has been 
sucking oxygen into itself because of the "vacuum" caused by A) the 
extraction of ground water and B) the reduced pumping in of surface water to

extract natural gas and oil because surface water reservoirs are running 
low. It claims that when the gas reaches a stoichiometric ratio America is 
going to get blown off the map - all of it! Even Mom's apple pie, the little

red schoolhouse and the Walton's farm! From sea to shining sea - BLOOEEEEY! 
Yellowstone caldera would have been merely a mosquito bite! Or just the 
detonation cap!

         This is all because G-D is mightily pissed off with the home of the

free and is going to eliminate the lot of you because of your bankers (MEN 
WEARING STRANGE APPAREL i.e business suits! ROFLMAO!). Obviously a few true 
believers are going to get RAPTURED, so Mr. Malloy might get the last laugh 
(or not...)

           It's amazing that some people seem to give this sort of crap 
credence and not recognise the real threat of anthropogenic climate change -

I really don't know if I can be bothered to trawl through my files to give 
Thomas's previous email a proper answer now!


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