On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:16 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Surprised that you didn't mention the possibility of a mirror matter black hole, which might be unreactive with normal matter, although at that level of extreme density - it is anyone's guess as to whether everything becomes cosmic mush.

The quality of mirror matter is that its only reaction with ordinary matter is via gravitational influence. According to standard theory it would look no different from an ordinary BH. According to my gravimagnetics theory, it might exhibit negative gravitation, and thus fly off.

Hey - since we are walking on the wild-side anyway: Also the further possibility that the destructive ability of micro black holes, if they can exist at all (I think not)

Uh, I think the their feasibility is considered a certainty according to standard theory.

but if they can - that these can be effectively "neutralized" by small amounts of mirror matter which would accumulate due to gravity, but possibly form a dense surface shell - rather than be 'consumed', thus offering some 'protection' <g>.

That depends on whether such matter exhibits positive or negative gravitational charge. If my gravimagnetics theory is correct, then about half the universe carries negative gravitational mass and is in the form of mirror matter. This is the source of dark energy and explains the breaking of symmetry at the big bang. We just can't see the stuff that completes the symmetry.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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