Steven Krivit wrote:

It's been two days and Scott Little has failed to respond to my last message. Very unusual.

What can he say?

We should bear in mind that Dash and Zhang may not be getting any heat, and Scott could be correct in this case. Just because cold fusion has been widely replicated, that does not mean every cold fusion experiment works, and every positive claim is correct. Individual researchers may still be making mistakes, although it seems unlikely to me that D&Z are, given the magnitude of the heat they have measured:

Table II

050105 20 79 59 deg C Delta T 271 mW
050108 25 81 56 deg C Delta T 238 mW
050110 35 88 53 deg C Delta T 492 mW
050111 40 90 50 deg C Delta T 349 mW

492 mW can be measured with confidence with a Seebeck.

The point that I made the other day still stands: cold fusion has been widely replicated at high s/n ratios, therefore it is real. There is no other standard in experimental science for being "real." If Scott Little cannot produce the cold fusion effect, either his instruments, materials or methods are at fault. There is no chance whatever that he is right and all of the laboratories listed in Storms Table 1 are wrong.

- Jed

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