Jones be fair on people (as we all must be) conversions on the Road to
Damascus (St Paul, sh.t not a good analogy) don't happen in infinitesimal
time due to finite processes in brains.

Like I said, research, like a pop song needs a catchy hook because people
won't drop everything quickly when they have vested interests and a job.

You want people to stop watching pop idol and go and listen to an hour and
half of avant-garde, atonal, serial music by Oliver Messian say. Most people
who can hum a tune would say the notes are all wrong. The educated would
say, Ah we know Dr Messian's work we've been awaiting this symphony. See
what I'm getting at?

Preferentially hydrogen (and all the other stuff) should have dropped to the
ground state long ago.

So why are we all excited? (if you excuse the pun)

Why isn't everything collapsing so that atoms are about 10pm in size?

What's kicking us up from his sub-levels and why doesn't it then kick us
higher? Why then aren't things routinely ionized?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 October 2008 19:36
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Tata, Butanol, Biofuels

----- Original Message ----

From: Remi Cornwall 

> Where is the spectrographic data?

He has found these lines, Remi! 

....apparently you are reluctant to read his theory, but it is all in there.

> Turn a 'scope at a hot nebula and Mills should get lines he predicts.

Exactamundo ! where have you been? 

This is part and parcel of the theory and without it, few of us would be as

Matter of fact, without the cosmological stuff, and before the Rowan report,
I could probably agree with most of the criticism, as he has made some
fairly serious math errors.

These are documented on the HSG forum. They are errors, but they are not
fatal to the theory, and will probably be reconciled sooner or later.


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