On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 14:17:53 +0000

"Taylor J. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,
The Wall Street Journal article sounds to me like Oil
Gang propaganda.  They want us to use rock oil because
it's their product; and I think they will do ANYTHING
(e. g. Lincoln and Kennedy) to destroy alternative energy.

Joe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Kennedy, sure, but Big Oil also killed Lincoln??

Hi All,

Big Oil did not kill Lincoln, and I don't know that
the Oil Gang had Kennedy whacked.  I just named these
assassinations as examples of how far those, who feel
their financial interests are threatened, may go.

Like the murder of Gene Mallove, there may be more to
it than random bad luck.  Just because it makes us
feel uneasy is not a good reason to reject the
possibility of conspiracy -- "and you also, Brutus?"

Jack Smith

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