Hi All,      11-14-08

You may find the enclosed below interesting.

Jack Smith



BLOG from The New York Times, 11-12-08, By Andrew C. Revkin

``Will the Next Ice Age Be a Very Long One?

A new analysis of the dramatic cycles of ice ages and warm
intervals over the past million years, published in Nature,
concludes that the climatic swings are the gyrations of
a system poised to settle into a quasi-permanent colder
state  -- with expanded ice sheets at both poles.

[UPDATE 11/13: Authors and critics debate the findings.]

In essence, says one of the two authors, Thomas J. Crowley
of the University of Edinburgh, the ice age cycles over
the past million years are a super-slow-motion variant
of the dramatic jostlings recorded by a seismograph in
an earthquake before the ground settles into a new quiet

He and William T. Hyde of the University of Toronto
used climate models and other techniques to assess the
chances that the world is witnessing the final stages
of a 50-million-year transition from a planet with a
persistent warm climate and scant polar ice to one with
greatly expanded ice sheets at both poles.

Their findings have stirred a lot of skepticism in the
community of specialists examining ancient records of past
climate changes and how they might relate to variations
in Earth's orbit and orientation toward the Sun and other
factors. I'll be adding some of their reactions overnight
(I'm on the road).

The Nature paper (abstract and citation below) goes on to
propose that humans, as long as they have a technologically
powerful society, would be likely to avert such a slide
into a long big chill by adding greenhouse gases to the
atmosphere. That doesn't obviate the need to curb such
emissions and the prospect of dangerous climate warming in
the short run, Dr.  Crowley said. But it is more evidence
that like it or not, the future of conditions on Earth is
likely to be a function of human actions, whether chosen
or not.

The idea that human actions can dominate the climatic
influence of things as grand as shifts in a planet's orbit
is hard to grasp, but quite a few climate specialist say
it's pretty clear this is the case. In 2003, I wrote an
article exploring when scientists think we'll slide into
the next ice age (the conventional variety). James Hansen
of NASA echoed Dr. Crowley, saying that as long as we're
technologically able, we'll be able to keep the big ice
at bay. Strange, wonderful stuff, climate science.

The paper citation details and abstract are below (it's
not online except for subscribers):

Nature Vol 456| 13 November 2008 doi:10.1038/nature07365


Transient nature of late Pleistocene climate variability

Thomas J. Crowley & William T. Hyde

Climate in the early Pleistocene1 varied with a period
of 41 kyr and was related to variations in Earth's
obliquity. About 900 kyr ago, variability increased and
oscillated primarily at a period of ,100 kyr, suggesting
that the link was then with the eccentricity of Earth's
orbit. This transition has often2 - 5 been attributed to
a nonlinear response to small changes in external boundary

Here we propose that increasing variablility within the
past million yearsmay indicate that the climate system
was approaching a second climate bifurcation point,
after which it would transition again to a new stable
state characterized by permanent mid-latitude Northern
Hemisphere glaciation.

>From this perspective the past million years can be
viewed as a transient interval in the evolution of
Earth's climate. We support our hypothesis using a coupled
energybalance/ ice-sheet model, which furthermore predicts
that the future transition would involve a large expansion
of the Eurasian ice sheet.

The process responsible for the abrupt change seems to
be the albedo discontinuity at the snow - ice edge. The
best-fit model run, which explains almost 60%of the
variance in global ice volume6 during the past 400 kyr,
predicts a rapid transition in the geologically near future
to the proposed glacial state. Should it be attained,
this state would be more `symmetric' than the present
climate, with comparable areas of ice/sea-ice cover in
each hemisphere, and would represent the culmination of
50 million years of evolution from bipolar nonglacial
climates to bipolar glacial climates.



[UPDATE 11/13: Authors and critics debate the findings.]

November 13, 2008

More on Whether a Big Chill Is Nigh

By Andrew C. Revkin

[UPDATE, 12:30 p.m.: Thomas Crowley responds to critiques
below.] I was on the road yesterday and had no time to
collate earth scientists' reactions to the Nature paper
positing that the world, after 450,000 years of climatic
turmoil (the ice ages and warm spells) is poised to enter
a quasi-permanent big chill (unless we avert it, after
dealing with near-term warming, with a subsequent buildup
of greenhouse gases).

Responses came back from James Hansen, Richard Alley and
other longtime contacts in the climate science community,
and I've posted them below. [UPDATE 6:00 p.m.: Carl
Wunsch of M.I.T. has joined the fray, and Thomas Crowley
has responded.]

As I said yesterday, Dr.  Hansen has long thought that the
next ice age, whether short or long, will be averted --
as long as humans have the ability to alter the atmosphere
-- by adjusting greenhouse-gas concentrations. And this
geological time scale has little to do with the current
push by many climate scientists to curb such emissions to
avoid dangerous warming in the next century or two.

I'll send these thoughts to the authors of the Nature
paper, Thomas J.  Crowley and William T. Hyde, for their

Richard B. Alley, Pennsylvania State University (the
'singing climatologist'):

Andy- Fascinating idea, fascinating paper.

I'm a huge believer in simple models, but whenever I use
one, someone is sure to point out that dramatic behaviors
are often easier to obtain in simpler models.

(Thermal oscillators in ice sheets, and shutdowns of the
north Atlantic, are two things that seem easier in simpler
models.) So a model like this is great for putting forward
the hypothesis, but a range of models will be required
for testing.

The glaciological community has for decades harbored the
widespread belief that the thermal evolution of the ice
sheet, and the effect of this evolution on ice flow, are
central in the ice-age cycling (not all communities agree,
but there is plenty of literature on this from the land-ice
crowd), so use of a temperature-independent rheology for
the ice leaves out one favored explanation for termination
of extensive glaciation.

With CO2 feedbacks and north Atlantic feedbacks not in
the picture, I believe that the current paper leaves out
Mo Raymo's (1997) idea that termination of a glaciation
requires storage of excess ice in the northern hemisphere
-- sort of a "the bigger they are, the harder they fall"
idea, which can be found in earlier and later literature as
well. (Much of the glaciological literature on termination
of large ice ages requires ice-sheet growth past a
threshold size.)

In a short piece in the PAGES Newsletter, George Denton,
Wally Broecker and I linked this excess ice and orbital
forcing through ocean circulation to control of CO2,
and others are surely thinking along the same lines. So,
if some of these ideas on termination of glaciations are
correct (ice-sheet temperature, ocean circulation and
CO2), and all of these are omitted from the current model,
it leaves open the possibility that a more comprehensive
model would get a different result.


Julie Brigham-Grette, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
(whom I've consulted on Arctic climate shifts many times):

I agree with Richard. There are so many exceptions
("we do not consider glacial-interglacial changes in
CO2 or North Atlantic heat sources"; other experiments
listed have "no ocean dynamics." The paper represents a
series of sensitivity tests, theoretical as you say, but
it might at least stir more work in understanding abrupt
change and system dynamics. There are many things we don't
understand -- like why the EPICA interglacials before stage
11 have a lower threshold level than after. Sometimes even
simple models help us think in new ways, and that is what
science does.

James E. Hansen, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:

Look at Figure 3 in our 'Target' paper Target CO2:
Where should humanity aim? [pdf]. Yes, the Earth has
been on a 50-million-year cooling trend with superposed
glacial-interglacial oscillations.* It would take only a
small further reduction in climate forcing (less long-lived
GHGs or whatever) to yield more ice during the glacial
phase of glacial-interglacial oscillations.

But that is entirely academic at this point, unless humans
go extinct. Although orbital variations instigate the
glacial-interglacial swings, the mechanisms for climate
change are changes in GHG amount and surface albedo (as
we show in Fig. 1 of our paper) -- those mechanisms are
now under the control of humans. Another ice age cannot
occur unless humans go extinct. It would take only one CFC
factory to avert any natural cooling tendency.  Our problem
is the opposite: we cannot seem to find a way to keep our
GHG forcing at a level that assures a climate resembling
that of the past 10,000 years.


*The long-term cooling is related to the situation with the
continents -- not much subduction of carbonate-rich ocean
crust now. The site of strong subduction associated with
India plowing through the Tethys Ocean ended when India
crashed into Asia 50 million years ago, so that source of
CO2 diminished.

Daniel P. Schrag, Harvard University (here's his formula
for action on global warming):

I am very, very skeptical. This is all fun and games with
a climate model. (and theirs is not a particularly good
one). I do not believe that their results have much to do
with how the real earth would or will behave. And I think
many climate scientists would agree with me. Why don't you
ask Carl Wunsch or Kerry Emanuel what they think? [I've
sent a query to Dr. Wunsch.]


More on the paper and how it's stirred debate is online
at Discover magazine. Again, the time scale here is far
beyond what's relevant to climate policy now (meaning
the next 100 years or so). As I've written before, Homo
sapiens appears to be in the uncomfortable position of
being the first life form to exert a global-scale influence
(for better or worse) and be aware of that reality (plants
altered the atmosphere, too, but most likely didn't realize
it). Do you think we've absorbed this yet?

[UPDATE:] Thomas Crowley has responded to this round
of critiques:


Not surprised by the replies, but don't buy them:

As we said in the paper there is a huge gulf between the
original simple energy balance model from Budyko and the
one we use. Yet the basic results are almost exactly the
same.  The fact that our model does a surprisingly good
job with simulating the last 400,000 years of global ice
volume, with no change in model physics and only one linear
change in boundary conditions, argues for the fact that,
despite plausible deficiencies, we have done a surprisingly
good job of simulating the pattern of fluctuations in
ice volume.

Another example can be drawn from the energy balance model
calculations for the snow/ice instability - despite all
the details not in the original energy balance model, much
more complex general circulation models have now been shown
to have the same behavior - a citation from 1994 (!) which
we have in our document but is almost universally ignored
by the geological community but has been supported by
subsequent work with another model (Bette Otto-Bliesner).

The criticisms also ignore the analysis of data which
almost undeniably indicate increasing variability
towards the present - is one supposed to think that this
variability will now just stay anchored at the present
level? That to mean seems more implausible.

I am quite comfortable with our conclusions and remain
unconvinced by the first wave of counter-arguments.


[UPDATE 2:30 p.m.:] Carl Wunsch of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology has fired quite a broadside:

"Surely this isn't science in any conventional
sense. Taking a toy model and using it to make a
'prediction' about something nearly a million years in the
future, is a form of science fiction -- maybe interesting
in the same way a novel is, but it isn't science. The
prediction itself is untestable -- except a million years
from now, and the model 'tests' that quoted are carefully
chosen to be those things that the model has been tuned
to get 'right,' with no mention of the huge number of
things it gets wrong. How many times do 'if', and 'may'
get used in the paper?

If I make a four-box model of the world economy, and
predict the US stock market level 500 years from now, who
would pay any attention? Climate is far more complicated
than the world economy, yet supposedly reputable journals
are publishing papers that superficially look like science,
but which are the sort of thing scientists will speculate
about late at night over a few beers. It doesn't deserve
the light of day except as the somewhat interesting
mathematical behavior of a grossly over-simplified
set of differential equations. Why should anyone take
it seriously? The wider credibility of the science is
ultimately undermined by such exercises."

Dr. Crowley has responded to Dr. Wunsch (I'll end the
up-front debate here and any further comments by scientists
can come in the comment string below):

These are pretty harsh words and they almost sound
convincing. Except that we do make an attempt to validate
the model with respect to how it has performed against the
best estimate of global ice volume we have - Shackleton's
2000 record (I might add that I am not sure of any other
modeling study that has tried to validate itself against
the Shackleton record). And it is this very same model
run that is run past the present.

We also point out that similar processes appear to have
gone on in the deeper geological past with respect
to Antarctica. We again point out that observations
clearly indicate an increase in variability towards the
present. Does one somehow expect that just to stop? If so,
why, Carl?

With respect to the dismissal of the model, we point out
that we have separately applied the model to the great
Permo-Carboniferous glaciation on Pangaea and to the
Snowball Earth problem (although some people do not like
one of the solutions it produces). Are not these tests of
the models, or a separate test we have done with respect
to noise forcing of the model (referred to in paper)? This
is actually a fairly well tested model (Dick Peltier has
done separate work on the Pleistocene - again referred to
in our paper).

Sorry Carl, this is science; you might not like it, but
it is science.''

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