Howdy Harry,
Whoopee doo!. Some lab in England discovers the vortex all over again. The scientist fail to mention a theory for the various shapes created by change in revolution of the mass. A close view of sonoluminsense experiments reveal that when a bubble collapses under intense sonic bombardment.. the bubble "implodes" inward and produces a vortex that appears to "suck" the bubble into itself, collapsing and producing noise, heat and pressure not easily measured as Seth Putterman and Ruso at Purdue learned the hard way.

Which leads to a wild speculative prediction for year 2009.. scientists will " discover" an atom is not round, square or triangle shaped... it looks like a spinning tornado complete with vortex features. This discovery will be made using technology developed for NASA to enhance Mars photos whereas a picture of an atom can be computer generated. This discovery will in turn lead to an entirely new form of chemistry technology and obsolete existing models.

"They found that once a droplet with a diameter of 1 centimetre

reached about 3 revolutions per second, its shape, when viewed from

above, became triangular, an effect never seen before in the lab "

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