Jed sez:

I apologize for breaking apart some of your comments.

> OrionWorks wrote:

>> I continue to doubt that there will be any kind of an official
>> disclosure coming from the White House - especially within my life time.

> A year ago, did you imagine there would be a black president in
> your lifetime?

Not a chance. It is refreshing to occasionally be proven wrong! ;-)


> As for UFOs I think it is highly unlikely that there is anything to
> disclose. I doubt there ever were any UFOs,

As previously suggested, I see no evidence that the majority of the
public really wants to know the fiddledebits.


> I also think that if the cold fusion researchers would make the
> effort to contact the Administration, there is some chance it will
> fund their research. I can't how much, but some chance -- whereas
> there was no chance the previous three administrations would fund it.

I hope so.

> Last summer the Japanese government definitively said it would not.
> (They said they will not because if it works, it will hurt oil
> company profits. At least they are honest!)

They really said that??? Unbelievable!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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