Conspiracy Alert  :-) 

You heard it first on Vo: But first, can you tell us, Jed, if any of the hits 
are from overseas, the Mid-East, TCI ?

Ever since Iran reportedly accumulated enough fissile material for a Bombe 
(please use the Peter Seller's pronunciation here) there has been a gigantic 
theft of tritium - from all over the world ... and get this: most of it is from 
signage. And therefor would have gone unnoticed till it reached epodemic 

It all started long before the Wal-Mart admission - and the Canadian export of 
77,000 tritiated signs to Iran. Of course, these signs contain only miniscule 
amounts of tritium per sign, but since the NRC put out the word:

... conspiracy theorists have had a field day - and now claim that these 
reports are only the tip of a gigantic iceberg, and nearly one million tritium 
glow-in-the-dark devices of all kinds have gone missing of late ...

... making Jean Paul Sarte into somewhat more of a modern day prophet than he 
already was ... Huis Clos.


Huey Claus

From: Jed Rothwell <>
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2009 11:41:52 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Lots of people reading Claytor today

This morning at 6:58 someone did a search for "tritium output" with the msm 
search tool. The first thing found is:

This person told someone else, who used the same search tool and search terms 
at 7:06. At 7:20 someone tried Google and got the same file at the top of the 
list. By 8:00 16 other people tried it.

As of 2:30, 588 people have done this. Several other search tools have been 
used. These people do not seem to be reading many other papers -- only this one.

It often happens that someone puts a link in a blog to a LENR-CANR paper. In 
that case, I can trace it back to the blogger, and I can see what he or she 
said about the paper. In this case I cannot tell, but it must be a positive 
comment or you would not see so many people following up.

Blogs seldom generate this many visits.

- Jed

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