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As the smoke cleared, OrionWorks <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
mounted the barricade and roared out:

> Grok sez:
> > As the smoke cleared, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
> > mounted the barricade and roared out:
> >
> > > Ever since Iran reportedly accumulated enough fissile material
> > > for a Bombe (please use the Peter Seller's pronunciation here)
> > > there has been a gigantic theft of tritium - from all over the
> > > world ... and get this: most of it is from signage. And
> > > therefor would have gone unnoticed till it reached epodemic
> > > proportions.
> >
> > The thing about Tritium is not only its relatively short half-
> > life -- @12,3 years -- but from what I remember: its relatively
> > weak radioactivity doesn't tend to penetrate even any glass
> > container holding the stuff. And so in fact, hydrogen bombs have
> > to be regularly replenished with fresh isotope -- otherwise, the
> > nukes' 'past due' shelf-life date is passed: and they in effect
> > become duds. And so there is a regular commerce with the stuff...
> > military or otherwise.
> >
> > And so given all that, it's been my own pet theory for quite some
> > years that various government agencies and militaries -- guess
> > who? -- have in fact been systematically siphoning-off a certain
> > percentage of the output, and using it for purposes such as
> > poisoning the coffee/drinks/whatever of targeted individuals with
> > e.g. tritium water -- which would be easy to transport and deploy
> > - -- and which would be easily flushed out of people's systems long
> > before any galloping cancer, etc., showed up...
> >
> > And how paranoiac can that thought be, given these disclosures..?
> > [Too bad some people won't get this email ;P   ]
> >
> >
> > - -- grok.
> Not everyone has given up on you.

Hey, let's get it clear here that I consider many of the people
on this eList to be almost terminally-deluded, politically-wise.
But they will soon enuff find this out. The hard way, apparently.

> This is actually an interesting premise.
> Hope it gets discussed more thoroughly here.

Makes awful sense, doesn't it? 
And don't anyone think it isn't being done, if it makes sense.

I do note that radioactive substances have certainly been more
crudely used against opponents -- notoriously in Russia, for
instance, during the rise of the oligarchy/mafia, when much
soviet military materiel fell into the hands of these gangsters.

Let me note too that at the time, there was fevered speculation
that russian mafiosos had sold the iranis at least least 1 nuke.
(Where's all that gob-shite speculation today, I wonder..? ;)

- -- grok.

- -- 
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