Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

And if you believe that, you will also believe that Martin Fleischmann, Stanley Pons, Ed Storms, Mike McKubre and ~2,000 professional scientists are engaged in a massive deception to convince the world that cold fusion is real by publishing fake data.

Non sequitur

Not at all, but I did not explain what I meant as clearly as Stephen A. Lawrence did:

The notion that thousands of climate experts are engaged in a massive fraud is preposterous beyond words. It is conceivable that they are wrong, but absolutely, positively out of the question that they are engaged in fraud or that

The point of my posting these reports is that there is a dissident group of planetary scientists who question AGW. You won't hear their voices in the main stream media because it is controlled by the Oligarchy. Prager has attempted to remedy this, by providing them with a forum.

As for media complicity, Horner mentioned My Weekly Reader (Scholastic Publications) and National Geographic. Which have continued to publish this fiction and feed the hysteria. Horner mentioned several instances of their doctoring the data and graphs in order to support their agenda.

As for corporate complicity, Horner recounted his experiences with Enron which was counting on something like this.

As for global cooling. The earth, and the rest of the planets were warming up, then we went into a period of solar quiescence, and (according to him) the planet started cooling. We just had a really cold long winter, OTHO, it seems that other areas are hotter than usual.

Perhaps I'll hear the interview again and I'll take notes, or one of you can read his book.

Albert Gore (of all people!) is masterminding them.

Algore is a major player in this, but a mastermind he isn't. As for keeping secrets, we (conspiracy theorists) have known about the Oligarchy and the mechanisms which have allowed them to accomplish their evil ends. Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow was written 20 years ago, nothing significant has been added since then. It (our knowledge) hasn't made any difference.

I don't don't have a high opinion of Algore. Leftists are smart enough, but they have an insanity which makes them unable to see the error of their ways. Specifically, they seem unable to overcome the effects of this insanity, even in the face of the fact that their ideas have never worked, and that they destroy the population's humanity.

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