Are you truly incapable of answering a simple question, grok?

Inquiring minds wanna know now.

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 4:25 PM, grok <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> As the smoke cleared, OrionWorks <>
> mounted the barricade and roared out:
> > You sure don't sound like a very happy person to me. Perhaps it
> > explains why you have dodged the previous question: "What makes you
> > happy, Grok?"
> What really IS amazing is how you people consistently dodge the very real
> issue of the pseudo-democracies known as the U.S.A./NATO having become
> pretty much full-fledge police states. The ad hominem tack you invariably
> resort to, instead, is really kinda pathetically ludicrous.
> It's a shame OU and CF et al. are all tied up in politix (and will be,
> for the interim). That fact makes these exchanges pretty nigh
> unavoidable. Anywhere there's real and honest debate, that is.
> - -- grok.
> - --
> Build the North America-wide General Strike.
> TODO el poder a los consejos y las comunas.
> TOUT le pouvoir aux conseils et communes.
> ALL power to the councils and communes.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> =/AhK

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