Jones Beene wrote:
> All this talk about ESP and its possible scientific basis -- got me
> thinking about the “z-word” once again. Not to mention how hard it is
> to separate the pursuit of free energy from less divine pursuits
> (depending on one’s z-orientation, of course)
> Caveat: "Lethal Text" follows... meaning that it usually confounds
> non-believers…
> …and/or … “what you don't know can't skill you”
> “Back in the day” I could remember how to pronounce “zitterbewegung”.
> Not any more, much less spell it. It is almost “lethal text” and
> everytime the word pops into consciousness, I feel compelled to
> consult the internet (and spell checker). You can, of course, take the
> implications of the z-word to extremes. For instance – that a
> “modulation of z” can transfer info and supply a very provocative
> answer to many theological questions.
> It’s almost like- “in the beginning was the word, and the word was…
> you know: “zitterbewegung”. That one is kinda hard to get into Hebrew,
> so they changed it to a few consonants. Perhaps that is another reason
> for the “addiction” of “free energy” and for trying to accomplish what
> the Grand Poobahs of fissix tell us is an impossible goal.
> This time, when the wider implications of ZPE came to mind, an old
> mini-essay on LT also popped-up in connection with the word and it
> mentioned “lethal text” which is like a "forbidden-fruit" kind of
> thing... you know, cosmic foaming at the mouth - but its what they
> call ZPE in them ivory towers.... and if there is such a thing as
> modulated zitterbewegung (aether-conditioning so-to-speak) then it may
> be the driving force for finding free-energy in two very different
> ways – one of which has ‘information transfer from afar’ overtones.
> Side Note: As for what are the wider implications of lethal text - in
> Piers Anthony's story - "Macroscope", an alien message destroys the
> mind of anyone intelligent enough to understand it- no doubt that it
> contained the z-word. All of which was kind of a take-off on Sir ACC’s
> infamous "earworm" from a short story called "The Ultimate Melody".
> Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash" has the LT show up in broadband as a
> computer virus. The most famous version – that is, outside the Bible
> (where we find the original LT (i.e. YHWH)… that probably goes back to
> the "Sirens' song" of the old "Odyssey," not to be confused with the
> remake "A Space Odyssey" and the five notes you will never forget:
> At least in the good-book you were once
> no-vowelly protected from a lethal dose.
> Anyway, in one of his most widely read essays (both short and
> 'pregnant'), Hal Puthoff opines that Gravity can be understood as a
> kind of long-range Casimir force. This kind of ties into the notion to
> how it is that YHWH could whisper little secrets in W’s ear about WMD,
> and also the apprehension that when we finally do harness ZPE for free
> energy, there will be a cost. (hell to pay??)
> Some of this goes back to the ruskie H-bomb man, physicist Andrei
> Sakharov, who put forward the radical hypothesis that gravity might
> not be a fundamental interaction at all, but is another form of
> resonant aether-conditioning so-to-speak. If gravity is a secondary or
> residual effect associated with other the EM field and with
> interdimensional effects, then the ZPE connection is somewhat easier
> to understand. If correct, gravity would then be understood as just
> another variation on the Casimir theme, in which background
> zero-point-energy pressures were again responsible, and with
> implications for “information transfer”.
> Anyway, the z-approach to gravity was addressed by Puthoff by showing
> that every particle is situated in the sea of electromagnetic
> zero-point fluctuations develops this "jitter" motion; and when there
> are two or more particles they are each influenced not only by the
> fluctuating background field, but also by the fields generated by the
> other particles, all similarly undergoing a "contact-high" of
> epo-moderated motion, add the inter-particle coupling and a measure of
> large scale asymmetry brought on by curvature…
> …and voila – there you have it: the zed-connection and its ubiquitous
> signature - not exactly the mark of Zorro but the ultraviolet glow of
> foamy cosmic glue.

That's wonderful, Jones. Thank you for all those literary, musical, and
scientific references.
Zitterbewegung, the observed oscilation or modulation between
interacting positive and negative particles, can be again some kind of
"interference pattern" between these hyperdimensionally rotating
vortexes we commonly call "particles", which are rotating over an 
hyperdimensional axis (i.e. appearing and disappearing into our
tridimensional reality) at a frequency much higher than the observed
frequency of the interference pattern.

> May ‘z force be with you,
> Jones

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