Welcome back, Mr. Lawrence


> By the way, if anyone's actually read this far, and if
> you're not too mad at me as a result of my rather sympathetic
> comments regarding Little's group, and if you have any
> interest in something so far off topic it's beyond
> off-topic, then you might be at least slightly amused
> at one of the things I was doing during my "vacation" from
> Vortex. Whatever you might be expecting, I am certain that
> this is *not* it:
> http://physicsinsights.org/iemy/

Mr. Lawrence's valuable contribution concerning the Book of Iem,
however OT some Vorts might consider the mysterious transcripts to be,
seems to point to numerous profound observations.

I asked my cat, Zoey, for the hidden meaning behind several iconic
phrases from this book, such as, "My hovercraft is full of eels!" I
didn't understand Zoey's translations even after repeated attempts on
her part to educate me. Eventually she just sighed, brushed against my
ankle, and purred, "Iem that Iem." She then took pity on my conundrum
and suggested we occupy ourselves with another worthy pursuit:


Happy Forth'o'July to all, legal or illegal.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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