OrionWorks wrote:
> Welcome back, Mr. Lawrence

Thank you, Mr. Johnson ... and I would like to make a brief OT excursion
to apologize to you for my sanctimonious, unpleasant, and undeserved
comments to you just before I flounced out of the room and slammed the
door, a couple of weeks back.

> ...
> ... Eventually she just sighed, brushed against my
> ankle, and purred, "Iem that Iem." She then took pity on my conundrum
> and suggested we occupy ourselves with another worthy pursuit:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5qd9Kp3Hfc

Merci beaucoup!  Very amusing!  :-)

I happen to know someone rather well who looks a whole lot like the star
of the video.  You may have met him if you took a peek at the 'images'
directory under Iemy.

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