Economics is called the dismal science for a good reason.  
If we gave up meat or any other resource, the price of said commodity would 
indeed drop - temporarily.  Once the farmers understood that their market had 
disappeared, they would liquidate their herds.  After that, meat ( or whatever 
the dismissed commodity was ) would go up in price and continue to exclude 
consumption by the poor and starving.  Farmers are not evil - their work is 
unglamorous and difficult and they deserve to make a living.
We have no shortage of chicken wings and steak.  The only shortage is the lack 
of money by consumers who happen to live in badly managed countries that ruin 
attempts at prosperity.  Much the same is true of any other resource.  Put 
plainly,  it isn't because we are rich, it's because they are poor  and giving 
up this or that won't make any difference, as no one is going to go 
broke supplying people who are too poor to pay.
We have laboratory 'meat'.  It's called "Quorn" at your local supermarket and 
while tasty, it costs more than meat.  I've tried to interest people in it - no 
As to Japan,  beyond the tidy exterior, some horrifying inefficiences exist.  
Consumers are forced by taxes and fees to get rid of perfectly good cars every 
3 - 4 years to support employment there.  The idea of owning a 'classic' car is 
almost impossible.  They would crate up good quality low mileage engines and 
ship them to the US for reuse here - a huge waste of money and energy selling 
this stuff off when it is nowhere near worn out.
I have no idea why they haven't developed mass electric cars especially since 
so many only go short distances in urban areas.  I also don't know why 
Matsushita has two patents for magnesium and aluminum batteries and we never 
hear about any development.
Japan protects farmers and small shop owners from foreign competition.  
Restaurants can be breathtakingly expensive,  their mortgages can be 
multigenerational, and their homes and apartments are often a rabbit-warren 
existence that Americans would not tolerate.
They have a net population loss and will breed themselves out of existence if 
they're not careful - although the prize for that folly will likely go to 
Russians first.
I love their cuisine but wouldn't care to live there.  Oh, and 'social 
problems'?  Our comic books feature 'Batman' and 'Wolverine'.  They seem to 
like "Rapeman".  It's a very different culture.


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