Jones Beene wrote:
> “Onion” usually always attempts to be an eye-watering spoof … This one
> rises almost to the level of conspiracy theory, given recent threads
> on Vortex   ;-)
> … and as we know, reality can be stranger than fiction. In several
> layered ways… not unlike an the onion-iof-reality…
> This story turns “everything” … including “what is real” on its
> quantum dot head:
> _
> Even the so-called author is name “Gabriel Fournier” (who was a
> real-life painter) not to be confused with Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier …

At first I thought "Strange they didn't mention the fourth dimension".
But Fournier is the "man of the furnace", and "furnus" (oven) is the
french origin for "four".

Also, "Gabriel" means "hero of God" or "God's able-bodied one"

Cool, isn't?

> … begging the question “how far to you go to create a spoof on any
> other day than April 1?”

Not SO far.

By the way, I have made greats advances in my conceptions regarding
heretofore called "quantum flux", but I don't want to talk about it
until having a more precise and complete theory.

Best regards,
> Jones

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