Michael Foster wrote:

Oh Wow! I guess they'll give a Nobel Prize for physics and chemistry now.

That reminds me of a story of a WWII vet, a hero who often wore his medals.
Someone remarked that the guy seemed to have a swelled head because he
preened around in public wearing medals. Another vet said: "Listen, I was
with him when he won those medals. If he wants to wear them in the bath
that's fine with me."

If Obama gets health care reform through, does something to fix the war in
Afghanistan AND allows cold fusion research then as far as I am concerned he
will deserve every medal ever issued, including the Olympic medal for Live
Pigeon Shooting.

Anyway, I told Peter Hagelstein to attend this and try to buttonhole someone
from the administration. Knowing Peter, he probably ignored the message from
the University Administration.

- Jed

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