>From Horace:

> http://www.emdrive.com/
> http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2009/10/impossible-drive-designers-dream-flying-cars-stealth-missiles/

We’ve seen the photograph of this contraption in the past. I’m sure
this topic has been discussed within the Vort Collective, if one were
to go through the archives... not that we came to any definitive
conclusions other than, gee wouldn’t it be neat if this drive
mechanism proves to be true. Wouldn’t it be neat to fit a space craft
with solar panels to be used as an unlimited source of energy to run
the propulsion drive for puttering around within the inner planets. A
small portable nuclear reactor would probably suffice for all those
extended trips out to the outer planets.

Needless to say, this “technology” is perfect cannon fodder for all
sorts of conspiracy theories claiming secret portions of our
government already have working models of this technology in use:
black triangles, forbidden technology, and of course, packs with the
“devil” aka those pesky aliens.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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