If there were no disclaimers at the Waterways forbidding filming,
then, by US law, I believe you may do as you please with your
information.  I doubt British law is any different.

Your still images are a hit on the Village of the Banned forum.  Very good!


On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Esa Ruoho <esaru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi, i've finally gotten around to going through the 4 videos that were
> recorded on 22nd.  3 of them feature tachoman doing measurements  and  one
> of those 3  have him answering questions from someone from the steorn 300.
> i'm uploading them  (for private access right now) to Vimeo, but would like
> to pose this question:
> is it okay for me to film a  Steorn employee, at a Steorn waterways
> demonstration, answering questions from other people, and to just post it on
> Vimeo, without even knowing what his name is? will i get into trouble? and
> if the general consensus is "yes, thats a no-no", could we maybe agree not
> to string me up for posting the 4 urls  on here, take them for what they
> are, and uhh  try and not alert Steorn officials to anything?
> ?? dunno.. let me know, please.  i dont really know where "copyright" or any
> of the other  stuff works when it comes to any of this? like, whats the
> general stand on this? is filming him open-season cos he works at Steorn and
> just happened to be in front of the Orbo i was trying to film, or?

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