I never quit! I was temporarily locked out for a short time due to a

As I have said several times, I quit CMNS only because I am lazy about
keeping track of information, and I don't want to upset anyone there.

Francis X Roarty wrote:

> Just so I understand what all the fuss is about.. Is it because he is
> pushing neutron capture when he is supposed to be unbiased?
I do not know what the fuss is about. He was terribly upset with me because
I reported that during the ACS press conference, he relayed questions via
e-mail from Larsen. It turns out someone else was doing that. Why that would
upset him is a complete mystery to me. It seems like an innocuous thing to
do, and an innocuous mistake on my part. I think he was also upset because
people criticized him for shoddy work, such as using the trick from "How to
Lie with Statistics." If someone caught me doing that, I would be
embarrassed and apologetic, not upset with that person.

Perhaps he has not read that book and he did not realize the technique is
considered deceptive. I should have pointed it out the first time he did it,

People get riled up for reasons that make no sense to me.

I expect he will be back soon. I should probably not write too many snide
comments about him in the meanwhile, since he can always read the archives.

- Jed

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