
No problem with hijacking. Your subjects are related and I read some of it
but I realize it is too much to read for me right now. Maybe your programs
can be adjusted with the force formula for spherical distributions.

Actually I just typed the ACSII version of the integral into Wolfram Alpha,
a fantastic web resource, and after several seconds I got the answer

A bit down it lists the indefinite integral as (R0^2-r0^2)/(r-R0)-2 R0

But the result dimensions do not fit... Something is wrong.

For the spherical mass distribution I assume per particle

and for a mass differential dM in the star (see attached picture) it becomes

dF=G dM m / R² = G rho dV m / ( R0 + r ) ² = G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m /(R0 -

Each dM is a vertical slice in the star. Each slice weighs dM = rho pi (r0²
- r^2) dr. So I don't calculate to the highest precision. I just assume that
the distance to all particles in the slice is R0-r

and if I integrate to get the total it would become

F = Integral from -r0 to r0 of G rho pi (r0² - r²) dr m /(R0 - r)^2

which is the integral I initially asked aboutand that Wolfram Alpha gave the
indefinite form of.

I can't see why using spherical distribution would make the computation much
more complex? Computers can handle almost anything.


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:03 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <
svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From David
> > 12 replies to my question is not bad but the integral is actually about
> what
> > the gravity force is to a spherical mass distribution compared to a point
> > mass. The so called center of gravity can not be used as a center of
> gravity
> > since matter closer to a body attracts more than what the remote parts
> do.
> > How big can this effect be?
> > Can anyone solve the integral? I haven't even tried, yet. Can Maxima
> solve
> > it?
> > David
> David,
> I must apologize as well. Guess you could say I intentionally
> "hijacked" your thread. In your original question you brought up
> interesting concepts that were related to a branch of mathematical
> study that I've been exploring for years. I only hope the tangential
> aspects of what has been discussed in your hijacked thread has been be
> of some interest to the readers, including you.
> Following up on some of the tangential aspects, the physics text books
> state that the force known as Gravity is considered to be several
> orders of magnitude weaker than the strong and weak nuclear forces.
> This is basic high school physics.
> In the meantime, David brings up an interesting concept that I
> consider related to a similar discussion pertaining to whether it is
> (legally) appropriate to computer model the effects of gravity using a
> point mass, or whether one should model the effect as a spherical mass
> distribution.  From my own POV, and I'm speaking strictly from a
> computer programmer's POV, it is FAR more convenient in the heuristic
> sense to use a centralized point position in order model/generate
> orbital simulations based on the so-called laws of Celestial
> Mechanics. If one models one's algorithms using a point mass concept,
> it is important to "play god" and summarily change the rules
> so-to-speak where appropriate, particularly when the orbiting
> satellite approaches too close to the main orbital body. To do so
> introduces bizarre/chaotic orbital behavior. While it would probably
> be more accurate (or realistic) to employ a spherical mass
> distribution formula, to approach the problem as a computer
> programming exercise, would increase the complexity of the algorithms
> to the point that it would quickly become impossible to code.
> After reading just a sprinkle of Miles Mathis's papers, a novel
> concept recently dawned on me pertaining to the fact that we could
> speculate on the premise that the force of gravity may not necessarily
> be as weak as the text books have always claimed the force to be. What
> if we looked at the manifestation of gravity as emanating from the
> "center" of each sub-atomic particle, what then? What if we were to
> move the ground rules for "spherical mass distribution" away from the
> surface of typical macro bodies, like stars, planets, or moons, and
> scale it all the way down to the surface radius of protons and
> neutrons... how strong would the "point mass" force of gravity
> manifest at quantum-like distances? Obviously at that scale of
> distance the effects of gravity would be several magnitudes stronger
> that what is experienced within the familiar macro world! After all,
> we are told neutron stars are held together by the crushing force of
> the star's own gravity! A neutron star is essentially a gazillion
> sub-atomic "point mass" neutron particles collectively behaving as if
> they were all just one massive spherical mass distribution set as
> perceived on the macro scale. I suspect that in some of Miles Mathis'
> paper he is hinting at something akin to this. I suspect Miles is also
> hinting at the premise that gravity, just like all the other forces,
> are essentially one and the same "force" manifesting in different ways
> and/or scales of distance.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.Orionworks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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