In reply to  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson's message of Wed, 27 Oct 2010
08:35:40 -0500:
>From Robin:
>> That's not all that's wrong. He equates energy and angular momentum.
>> (Apples and oranges). Furthermore it is not true that the mass of the
>> electron remains the same during the quantum transition, since it's
>> velocity changes, and hence also it's relativistic mass. (And I suspect
>> that even it's rest mass changes with it's distance from the proton).
>I'm curious.
>Does Randy Mills' CQM theory account for these issues as well? Does anyone

Not AFAIK. Though Mills has some weird things in his theory. Specifically the
notion that traveling at the speed of light shortens the circumference to the
radius (IIRC).

Robin van Spaandonk

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