Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  *
> *<>
> But he is still giving the most credit to Piantelli, when probably that is
> completely wrong, and the three things which led to this breakthrough were(in 
> order of importance):
> 1)      The previous Rossi/Leonardo TEG work with nano-nickel
> 2)      The published work of Randell Mills
> 3)      The published work of Arata/Zhang, Kitamura, etc
Yup. I find this blog posting of Krivit's exceptionally weird, even for him.
His obsession with the Windom Larsen theory and these assertions that Ni-CF
cannot be fusion are bizarre. Krivit knows even less about the science than
I do, and I would never presume to take sides in the theory debates. I
cannot image why he thinks he is capable of judging these matters! I can't
figure out why it makes the slightest difference to him which theory is
correct. For all he knows, none of the theories are right.

The way he harps on personalities, people's backgrounds and foibles is
unscientific. That's what you expect from the mass media, or from anonymous
people in Wikipedia. It has no place in a serious scientific discussion. We
all know that criminals and crazy people have made important contributions
to science.

The only time you should consider a person's background is when you have
nothing else to go on -- no experiments, no replications, no hard data. When
all we had to go on was Rossi's own words about his claims, we were forced
to look at his personality and the name of his website and other extraneous,
indirect indications. We were forced to guess. Now we have photos of his
experiment and measurements made by legit professors. We will soon have
data. It is already clear that he had no means of faking the experiment. All
considerations of his personality as a means to determine the truth should
now cease. The methods of science -- data, thermocouple readings and heat of
vaporization -- constitute an infinitely more reliable way to judge the
truth than mere reputation, or your attempt to read Rossi's mind or untangle
his English. Okay, we don't know what to make of his claim about 1,500°C, so
let's put that on hold. Okay, he may be a crook. Who knows? Who cares?!? He
could be Robert Stroud reincarnated, but he cannot fool a thermocouple, so
let's put that aside.

- Jed

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