On 01/21/2011 05:57 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> If he still is the only one who knows the "secret ingredient" at that
>> point, then I would definitely start fearing for Rossi's personal
>> safety.  There are some very big players out there who would probably
>> not be too happy about being kept in the dark over how to make this
>> miracle device go . . .
> Naaaa. Not a problem. The big players have heard nothing, and if they
> did hear something they would not leave a word of it. They would call
> up their big gun physicist friend such as Richard Garwin. Garwin will
> tell them, "Don't think twice about it. It is a scam." He'll go on
> saying that until Rossi has $100 million in the bank, and hundreds of
> installations and employees.
> Big players usually realize what is happening only when it is too late
> for them to do anything about it. Back in the 1980s, IBM took little
> notice of Microsoft, and it did not take the competition seriously,
> until Microsoft was on the verge of putting IBM out of business.

I actually was thinking of the military and the NSA, rather than
sclerotic companies like IBM, or stick in the mud organizations like the
(public face of the) DOE.

You know, the guys who think phrases like "stockpile stewardship" are
household words, and who singlehandedly keep RSA in business by
purchasing tractor trailer loads of electronic keys from them.  Those
folks, they get input from places like SRI, Los Alamos, NRL, and so
forth -- not just Richard Garwin.

And then there are outfits like Mossad, which apparently thinks nothing
of infiltrating the CIA.  No way to know for sure, but I think they have
at least a little more on the ball than IBM when it comes to stuff that
might be usable for weapons construction.

And this is taking place right next door to France.  I don't know much
about the French intelligence service, but I know they've tended to play
hardball in the past when they thought France had something to gain by
it.  They are, as you may recall, the reason for the /II/ in
Greenpeace's "Rainbow Warrior II".  IIRC they also tried to warn the CIA
about a possible attack using hijacked jets back before 9/11, but there
was nobody available to take the call...

> - Jed

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