I fully agree with Mark. As Chairman Mao would say- today- we (Vort, CMNS)
are only *electronic tigers* for Rossi we can speak and demonstrate that his
generator does not work, that he is is working with
imaginary companies and so on, but we cannot bite.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Mark Iverson <zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> Jed wrote:
> "If you want people to believe your claims you should provide the kind of
> information any normal
> business would provide, such as the address. When you give out only an
> "info@" address it gives
> people the impression you are fake."
> All these kinds of comments are useless and irrelevent... If you guys
> haven't noticed by now, ROSSI
> DOESN'T CARE IF YOU BELIEVE HIS CLAIMS OR NOT!  And no amount of coercing
> will make him change his
> mind.
> "This web site should show the street address and telephone number, so that
> reporters and others can
> verify the information with state business records."
> Just assume for one second that the demo was real, and that you are Rossi
> and have been pouring in
> your financial livelihood into making those first 100 reactors... Would you
> publish the location for
> all the world to see... Hell NO!!!  That would be the most idiotic thing to
> do... If so, you'd be
> setting yourself up for major problems, and financial ruin. A savvy
> individual would not do anything
> to jeopardize the success of that first operating plant... He doesn't need
> anything from anyone to
> make it successful other than for people to leave him alone so he can
> complete the work.
> You are all thinking from YOUR perspective, not Rossi's.  Sure, we all want
> to know if this is real,
> and we want to know NOW.. From OUR perspective, there are things that could
> easily be done to prove
> to us that its real, so why doesn't he do it?  Two reasons:
> 1) He doesn't need anything from us, so he doesn't care what we think or
> want.  Frankly, he's
> wasting his time answering all the questions about instances of
> "discrepancies" or misinformation.
> 2) Because he's an engineer, the best way to prove it works is to build
> something practical.
> If I were him, I wouldn't let anyone know where the units are being
> manufactured either!
> -Mark

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