On Feb 19, 2011, at 12:19 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sat, 19 Feb 2011 10:43:01 -0800:
Interesting 24 year old paper

http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.ms. 17.080187.000305

It has been known for some time that the "effective mass" of electrons can appear to have a value much greater than free or valence electrons. This can be a factor of 10,000:1 in some circumstances, perhaps higher. Heavy electrons can be associated with superconductivity and exotic forms of
magnetism. The Heffner LENR theory incorporates this:


It could be an open question whether or not such an electron can "nucleate" a large number of protons at moderate temperatures into a dense form. There are a number of terms used to describe such "clusters" including "pycno" and
IRH (inverted Rydberg hydrogen).

I think the effects they are talking about are due to the fact that the electron "sea" in a metal, to some extent, acts as a rigid mass (this is one step further than a liquid, but conveys the concept better). IOW the repulsive force between the tightly packed electrons means that when you try to move one, you actually need to move several, so the one you are trying to move appears to have a larger

If my understanding is correct, then I don't see how this would make it more effective in nucleating condensation of protons, because the "extra" mass is not collocated with the original electron, so it's not as though it's actually a
heavy electron that can by analogy substitute for a negative muon.


Robin van Spaandonk


When I first read about virtual mass m* of electrons in semiconductors, I found it surprising that heavy electrons could act with this collective "virtual mass" m* even when performing cyclotron motion in a magnetic field. The virtual mass precisely determines the cyclotronic frequency. Like you, I don't expect this means a large m* electron has the capacity to act as a muon catalyst replacement, however. And, even if it did, there would be no reason to expect the branching ratio anomalies we see, lack of typical signature radiation, or heavy element LENR, to manifest. It thus provides little explanation of CF phenomena. There should be little difference in results from those observed during muon catalyzed fusion.

I do think collective electron activity, especially surface activity, and collective electron quantum states, are important to and related to achieving high electron fugacity, and thus important to some experimental modes I suggested in my papers. However, I want to be very clear that this kind of virtual (group) mass m* is not key to describing the deflated state itself. My theory does rest on the feasibility of extreme electron mass near the hydrogen nucleus, specifically in the deflated state, but this has nothing to do with the group virtual mass m*. This increased relativistic mass, of both the involved electron and hydrogen nucleus, comes from the conversion of field potential energy into kinetic energy at relativistic speeds and high gammas. Some approximate physical values were provided and referenced by my papers in tables located here:


Despite the extreme mass and kinetic energy changes between the states, the total potential plus kinetic energy of the deflated state remains that of the ground state or near ground state from which and to which the electron jumps, and thus the deflated state is a quantum degenerate state.

All that said, I do think it is possible the "rigidity" to location, i.e. high apparent inertia, provided my a large m*, makes a heavy electron a potential wavefunction collapse target for hydrogen nuclei, and a simultaneous tunneling target for a pair of nuclei. The high inertia I think expands the amount of difference in range, momenta, and energy the two tunneling hydrogen nuclei can possess pre- tunneling, and thus the probability of such dual tunneling. The catalyzing electron would be in the newly fused nucleus, just as it is in ordinary deflation fusion, and thus the high degree of initial de-energization would occur. There would therefore be similarly be expected, due to exactly the same rationale, the anomalous branching ratios, providing mainly for He production in the D+D case, orders of magnitude less probability of tritium production, and orders of magnitude yet again less probability of 3He production. Also provided for then, due to the presence of an electron in the fused nucleus, is the explanation for gradual release of energy in the form of low energy photons instead of one or two gammas.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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