From: "Jed Rothwell" ..Subject: Re: [Vo]:Hidden wire hypothesis redux
...........> Here is an example of an experiment that could be faked. Dennis Cravens
proposed to use Pd-D powder to produce heat inside a thermoelectric device that would light an LED. Now Cravens is as honest as the day is long, and I would not accuse him of faking anything. But I told him that in my opinion this experiment would not be convincing because it would be easy to hide a tiny battery and thin wires in such a device, to keep the LED glowing for weeks. The set up would seem suspicious to intelligent people with a suspicious turn of mind. People such as Levi, who described "prudential" checks for hidden wires and the like.


Jed, thanks for the compliment... I think....
Yes, it would be hard to fake much over 1kW... wall plugs being what they are, gauge of wires being what they are. (unless you used part of the plumbing as
your current carrier). So it is becoming very interesting -if you believe
any steam numbers over a few kW.

I do not know what I think about Rossi.  However, I am now "clearing my
decks" and starting to work on a replication - the best I can without
specifics of catalysts, operating parameters. I do feel strongly that someone
somewhere MUST try a similar experiment. (replication impossible without
Rossi telling all and that is not going to happen for a while) It looks like the
lot may fall to me.

I had been working with 1 -10 gram samples for gas loading. I will now be
trying Ni powder kg + size samples. I am still trying to get the parts but after my
lab makeover (the snow is melted and I am ready to go back to work), I
should be able to dump up to 25 kW and remain at constant temp for the
work.  My real target will be in the 1 to 2 kW range but I want  extra
cooling- just in case.  I still have to gather some bigger pumps, a large
dewar, drill holes in the wall for extra water flow, and have a vessel machined....

---Open lab, nothing hidden, pumping from barrel to barrel for short runs
for reality checks, there will even be a place for someone to us a clamp on
amp meter for the entire lab if they want.......
I figure I may have something going within a month or two with a little luck.

Dennis Cravens

PS. I could not get to the "critical mass" for Pd in my system to light the LED
and could not sustain the sample at an elevated working temperature.
PPS - for the curious few- I will be able to dump lots of heat since I live on
a mountain stream and plan on using counter flow cooling on my outflow.

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