The PWM scheme is basically throttling back a runaway reaction that doesn't 
really have any stable state between starvation and runaway but creates 
stability using duty factor. The PWM has to be balanced against the slower heat 
extraction loop so the controlled increase or reduction of any individual 
module (while maintaining over unity) is going to be relatively slow - I don't 
think any significant fast change in output power other than totally quenching 
the reaction is possible BUT he may be able to side step that issue by small 
PWM manipulations
To 100 reactors at a time such that the device can respond to load variations.

-----Original Message-----
From: SHIRAKAWA Akira [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 5:28 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Rossi's E-Cat: modulable output or not?

Hello group,

Have a look here:

> [...] Is it easy to adjust the output power of that unit or is it just "on" 
> or "off" 10 kW?
> #
> Andrea Rossi
> March 14th, 2011 at 2:16 PM
> Dear Mr Mats Heijkenskjold:
> Yes, you can adjust it, by means of a potentiometer .

Compare with this:

> #
> Andrea Rossi
> January 21st, 2011 at 3:44 AM
> Dear Mr Di Stefano:
> 1-The output of a single module is not modulable. The output of combined 
> modules is modulable turning on/off one or more modules [...]

This seems to be contradicting information.
I wonder if there have been actual changes or if Rossi is deliberately 
spreading misleading information.


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