Finally, spectral data to look at!  I can show this to some of the ten-pound
heads I work with - one of whom is well-recognized in the neutron detection
field...if I can get him to take this seriously.  If I could get the actual
data, I have several state of the art tools I can use to analyse gamma
spectra and neutron signatures, and perhaps even neutron spectra.

I have been out of the loop with what's been going on lately, so if such
data has come to light and I missed it, I apologise.  Is there any spectral
data (raw, not in presentation form) available yet?


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:37 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> When I look at Larsen's slide show the graphics that always intrigue
> me are the ones shown on plate 14 pertaining to "Five-peak
> mass-spectrum: ULM neutron 'fingerprint' - l" ...What Larsen
> proponents call the 'smoking gun'.
> The findings would seem to suggest that there might be some physical
> evidence to back up their claim.  (However, I'm not qualified to pass
> judgment, yea or nay.) What are the prevailing thoughts on what is
> actually being represented here? IS this possibly a 'smoking gun'? And
> if not, why not?

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