Terry Sez:

> Can I borrow $58M?

Well... according to my unorthodox "Witch Doctor" source, Rossi &
Associates are still in need of a lot of cash in order to finish basic
R&D. Despite certain misgivings already expressed here it seems to me
that offering up dealerships might be a reasonable/legitimate way of
drumming up a few credits here and there. Alas, I wish I knew if
Defkalion really is cash strapped. I'm inclined to assume they are.

Of course, all of the above is nothing more than highly speculative
ramblings on my part - largely based on "the Doctor's" alleged
assessment of Rossi. I didn't really ask "the Doctor" specifically
about the status of Defkalion.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on the current status of
Defkalion's piggy bank?

Inquiring Minds want to know. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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