lame LENR H-Ni run report by Sergio Focardi and Francesco Piantelli, 9
pages, Il Nuovo Cimento, November 1998 -- recent news: Rich Murray
Saturday, August 20, 2011
[ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ]
[ you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser ]

[ summary of critique:
science that purports to establish a notable percentage increase in
excess heat as a reproducible anomaly, as reported herein, is very
lacking re many critical details and shows lack of common sense
consideration of reasonable complications -- as usual in LENR
research, an enthusiastic team created a "black" witch's cauldron,
full of impurities, sealed and invisible to detailed observation
during months of cooking in H2 gas at high temperatures.

Probably, corrosion opened up additional conducting paths, reducing
the total electrical resistance fed by the constant voltage power
supply, increasing the total input electric power via increased
current flow, which increased ordinary electric heat effects in
complex ways within the black box.

So far, the surge of enticing, but vague, thin, and variable
information follows the pattern of the Rossi debacle in 2010-2011... ]

[ search  Piantelli
to get 5 pages of items that include many full text papers ] 10 pages

IL NUOVO CIMENTO VO L. 111 A, N. 11 Novembre 1998  1233-1242
Large excess heat production in Ni-H systems
and S. VERONESI (2)
(1)  Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Bologna e INFN Sezione di
Bologna - Bologna, Italy
(2)  Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Siena e Centro IMO - Siena, Italy
(ricevuto il 9 Marzo 1996; revisionato il 16 Settembre 1996; approvato
il 30 Giugno 1998)

In a previous paper [1] some of us reported on the existence of an
anomalous heat production observed in hydrogen-loaded nickel rods.
The phenomenon occurs when a cell containing a nickel rod is
maintained at temperatures above a critical value and is filled with
gaseous H2 at subatmospheric pressures.
A constant input power was used to raise and keep the cell temperature
constant at its working value (corresponding to about 700 K for the Ni
It was possible to induce an increase of the sample temperature from
its working value to about 820 K.
This anomalous equilibrium condition will be referred in the following
as excited state.
The system was able to remain in the excited state for several months.
The experimental cell described in ref. [1] was successively modified
and also a new cell was built with an improvement which allows the
measurement and the monitoring of the external surface temperature.
With this new set-up, the external temperature increase, together with
the internal one, have been utilized to characterize the excited state
of the Ni sample.
The existence of an exothermic effect, whose heat yield is well above
that of any known chemical reaction, has been unambiguously confirmed
by evaluating the thermal flux coming from the cells.
An important feature of our systems is that they can remain in the
excited state for a long time.
This characteristic allowed us to search for ionizing radiation coming
from the cells.
Very clear evidence of neutrons and -rays has been reported by us [2-4].
Systematic studies of such processes and their correlation with heat
production are in progress.

Cell B (see fig. 1b) is constructed in a similar way.
The cell vessel is a stainless steel tube (d in = 22 mm, d ext = 28
mm, [ tube wall thickness 3 mm ] length = 150 mm) ending with
commercial vacuum fittings flanges CF35.
[ inner surface area of tube?  Any physical or chemical changes after
months of use at high temperatures? ]
A second stainless steel tube (d in = 34 mm) [ 3 mm space between the
inner and outer tube ] is placed around this vessel to create an
interspace and to allow a fast cooling of the cell, if necessary.
The heater, supplied by means of a d.c. voltage stabilized power
supply (Alpha Electronica mod. AL818), is a Ni-Cr wire fastened around
a ceramic cylinder (external diameter 21 mm).
[ 0.5 mm space between ceramic heater cylinder and inner surface of
stainless steel tube !  even smaller space from electric heater wire
to inner surface of stainless steel tube -- does wire expand enough
during initial high temperature "activation" heating to short out on
inner surface of stainless steel tube? ]
[ Stable against fluctuations of input AC utility power?  Stability of
output over months of operation?  Actual voltages and their
fluctuations during these many month long runs -- any permanent,
detailed records?
[ resistance at all temperatures of the heater wire?
diameter, length, mass, and surface area of the heater wire?
Composition, insulation, sizes for one or two internal wires that
connect to the heater wire -- any changes after months of use?
Any physical or chemical changes in the heater wire after many months
at 700 K?  Impurities in heater wire? ]

A ceramic holder keeps four metal rods symmetrically set around the
cell axis where the thermocouple Tc2 is placed.
Due to the high cell working temperature (about 700 K) electrical
insulation and gluing inside the cell are done with ceramic bonding.
[ Composition, thickness, surface area, and mass of bonding ceramic --
any physical or chemical changes after months of use at high
temperatures, especially cracks, corrosion, or conducting compounds
that could add various conducting pathways within the cell that could
be heated by the input DC  electric power, reducing the total
resistance of the cell, and thus increasing the apparent heat output
for a fixed input voltage? ]
[ Size, mass, surface area of 4 rods? ]

The sample loading in a natural hydrogen atmosphere was performed in
successive steps.
In each step, we started with an initial gas pressure in the range
400–800 mbar and thereafter a little amount of hydrogen was introduced
into the cell through a suitable valve ( change in  p   400–600 mbar).
When the pressure decreased down to its starting value, new hydrogen
was added (see fig. 3).
After several loading cycles, the sample was ready and it was possible
to trigger the exothermic process.
Such an operation can be performed by lowering the input power,
waiting for the sample temperature to decrease down to about 300 K,
then suddenly restoring the previous power level.
After this operation an increased equilibrium temperature, as shown in
fig. 4, is obtained:
the cell is producing an excess heat.

Another way to trigger the process is to provoke a pressure step-like
variation, as shown in fig. 5.

After the triggering procedure, the production of excess heat is
maintained for months.

It must be underlined that, once the heat producing process has been
started, the cells are kept sealed for all the time, that is no H2 or
anything else is introduced or extracted from the cell, except heat,
of course, while the input power is maintained constant.

The initial temperatures are newly obtained when the heat producing
process is stopped by following a suitable procedure (see fig. 5 and
relative caption).
[ As an incompetent scientific layman, I was unable to decipher the
"suitable procedure"... ]

In order to compare samples having the same surface but different
bulks, the metal rods used in the experiments described here
(stainless steel for cell A and nickel for cell B) were coated with a
thick (  0.1 mm) [ 100 micrometer, easily penetrated by cracks,
diffusion, corrosion ] nickel layer by the usual nickel-plating bath
[7] containing the following components:
Nickel Ammonium Sulphate,
Citric Acid,
Ammonium Hydroxide,
Sodium Disulfite (purity RPE-ACS).
After introduction in the cells, the rods were annealed under vacuum
(p<10E4 mbar) at temperatures up to about 900 K in order to clean
their surfaces [8, 9]. Successive thermal cycles were also performed
in a hydrogen atmosphere below 1 bar.
[ were S, C, N, O, Na, S diffused into or reacted with the Ni surfaces
of the rods?
any physical or chemical changes after "annealing"?
any O compounds in the device could react with H2, especially with
plentiful Ni catalyst, releasing heat, damaging materials, producing
H2O, which as steam can ionize and corrode many materials in complex
ways over months of exposure.
Possibly, interior surfaces were being coated with insulating or
reflective coatings, perhaps as dust, fibers, fluff, and crud,
changing the heat transfer processes and temperatures within the cell
in complex ways... ]

The mean power excess of each cell multiplied by its activity period
(278 days for cell A and 319 days for cell B)
gives an energy excess of about 900 MJ for cell A
and 600 MJ for cell B.
[ What was the actual cumulative electric energy input? ]
Such an energy amount cannot be accounted for any chemical reaction
occurring inside the cells.
In conclusion we can say that all data coherently support the evidence
of an excess heat produced by the sample when it is in the physical
conditions provoked by the annealing and storing in a H2 atmosphere at
high temperature as we have described.
[ Probably, they hoped that cell B, with a much greater area of Ni to
react, would produce more mean power excess than cell A, so this
actually hints that there is no understanding of what is going on... ]

We wish to thank Prof. G. SALVETTI,
Dr.  E .  TOMBARI,
and C. FERRARI for helpful suggestions and discussions.
Special thanks are also due to Prof. R. HABEL,
Drs.  E .  MAJORANA and I. USAI
and Ing. M. PIANIGIANI for their collaboration in the initial phase of
the experiment.

[ These three runs of cell B gave three different patterns of apparent
excess heat and gamma radiation -- not published in a peer-reviewed
journal... ]

Rich Murray

Tue, 01 Feb 2011 20:50:19 -0800

3 puzzling long runs with H-Ni on thin Ni strips at 350-750 K, some
heat, gamma, S Focardi et al 2004 : Rich Murray 2011.02.01
10 pages, color

Focardi, S., et al. Evidence of electromagnetic radiation from Ni-H Systems.
in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear
Science. 2004. Marseille, France.

Evidence of electromagnetic radiation from Ni-H Systems
S. Focardi a,
V. Gabbani b,
V. Montalbano b,
F. Piantelli b
and S. Veronesi c, b
a Phys. Department, University of Bologna - Centro I.M.O
b Phys. Department, University of Siena - Centro I.M.O
c  I.N.F.M. –UdR Siena

We report evidence of photon emission in three experiments with
hydrogen loading of Ni slabs,
during the degassing phase, when hydrogen was introduced into the
cell, and during thermal cycling.
In the first experiment we obtained excess power of about 20 W, while
in the second experiment photon emission was observed instead of power
In the third experiment, a Ni sample in hydrogen underwent thermal
excitation and showed an increasing photon emission for a few hours.

[ 3 Ni slabs, 200x12x1 mm, at once in stainless steel tube,
interspersed with 3 same size NiCr heaters in a ceramic cylinder, all
within a large box that held 3.5 cm boric acid as a neutron shield --
gamma radiation from 500 to 2250 Kev... no neutron radiation ]


1. S. Focardi, R. Habel, and F. Piantelli,
Nuovc Cimento 107A (1994) 163.

2. S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi,
Nuovo Cimento A 111, 1233 (1998).

3. S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, R. Habel, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, G.
Salvetti, E. Tombari, S. Veronesi,
Status of cold fusion in Italy, IV - Proceedings of Siena workshop,
Siena, 24-25 March 1995,to be edited by B. Stella.

4. S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, and S. Veronesi,
Atti Accad. Fisiocritici, Serie XV, Tomo XV, (1996) 109-115.

5. A. Battaglia, L. Daddi, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F.
Piantelli, P. G. Sona, S. Veronesi,
Nuovo Cimento A 112, 921 (1999).

6. A.B. Garg, R.K. Rout, M. Srinisavan, T.K. Sankarnarayanan, A.
Shyam, and L.V. Kulkarni, Proceedings of the ICCF-5, Monte-Carlo,
Monaco 9-13 April (1995) and references therein.

7. A. Shyam, M. Srinisavan, T.C. Kaushik, and L.V. Kulkarni,
Proceedings of the ICCF-5, Monte-Carlo, Monaco 9-13 April (1995) and
references therein.

8. S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F. Piantelli, S. Veronesi,
Atti Accad. Fisioc., Serie XV, XVIII 109 (1999)

9. O. Häusser, M.A. Lone, T.K. Alexander, S.A. Kushneriuk and J. Gascon,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 14 (1961) 115.

10. J.P. Hirvonen and R. Lappalainen, in Handbook of modern ion beam
material analysis, p. 609, J.R. Tesmer and M. Nastasi editors,
Material Research Society, Pennsylvania.

11. E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F.
Piantelli, E. Porcu, E. Tosti, S. Veronesi,
ICCF8, Conference Proceedings 70, F. Scaramuzzi ed., (2000) 69

12. E. G. Campari, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, V. Montalbano, F.
Piantelli, S. Veronesi,
Proceedings Workshop TESMI, A. Lorusso e V. Nassisi eds, Lecce 2002, 35 (2002)

13. E. G. Campari, G. Fasano, S. Focardi, V. Gabbani, S. Lorusso, V.
Montalbano, F. Piantelli, C. Stanghini, S. Veronesi,
ICCF11, to appear on Conference Proceedings, J. Biberian editor (2004)

[ Recent news does not indicate that actual complete details, suitable
of serving as evidence for reproducible  anomalies, will be available
for some time -- "The April patent will be published on October 27,
2012." --  but patents are not evidence... ]

A LENR and Cold Fusion Update
July 29, 2011  9 Comments

Roy Virgilio releases more details on Piantelli’s research
JULY 25, 2011
tags: francesco piantelli, nichenergy
by Ivy Matt

In the wake of Saturday’s cold fusion conference in Viareggio, Italy,
Roy Virgilio has released more details on the Piantelli group’s
research on the Italian renewable energy forum EnergeticAmbiente.
Virgilio is an administrator on the forum with the username eroyka.
 Akira Shirakawa has provided an English translation on the Vortex
mailing list here and here. To summarize:

Experiments are being performed in a lab near Siena, Italy.

Older units worked continuously for months and produced 2× to 4×
energy gain, but the actual energy balance was higher, as the cells
reached self-sustaining mode.

Several unnamed third parties have confirmed that the older units
worked in self-sustaining mode for long periods of time.

Several of these older units were recently reactivated.
After some maintenance they turned on easily and produced 2× to 3×
energy gain, but they haven’t yet been pushed to high excess energy

New units with new fuel should be completed in about two months, and
are expected to produce 200× energy gain.
The new units will be tested gradually in several steps of increasing
power, beginning from a few hundred watts up to high levels of power
on the order of kilowatts.
The scale-up will take as long as is necessary.
Smaller devices will be ready for sale first.
No catalyst is necessary.
The trick is in the preparation of the nickel.

Piantelli has a theory that doesn’t require exotic reactions, but can
be explained using known physics and mathematics.
A semi-complete theory has been provided to the University of Siena
and will be published shortly.
The complete theory will probably be disclosed after the first
commercial units have been sold.

No Italian public institutions are involved in the current research,
but a US government agency that has had the opportunity to review the
research will probably validate and certify the reactor, as well as
contribute to its development.

Piantelli’s group is also in talks with several large industrial
corporations to develop generators operating at certain power levels.

The research is protected by three pending patents, the latest of
which was filed last week.

Piantelli’s group will create a supporters’ trust.
In two to four months the public will be able to buy shares in the
trust to support the research, to prevent the technology from suddenly
disappearing, and to share in any future revenues.
Piantelli’s group doesn’t need money:
the aim is protect the technology by putting it under the control of a
multitude of stakeholders and enthusiasts, but there is no guarantee
the shares will make a profit. [Emphasis added. —Ivy Matt]

Thanks, Akira!

The three patents mentioned above probably do not include Piantelli’s
1995 patent application.
The Piantelli group filed an Italian patent application, “Method for
Producing Energy and Apparatus Therefor”, on November 24, 2008, which
was published on May 25, 2010.
More recently, on April 26, 2011 they filed an Italian patent
application, “Method and Apparatus for Generating Energy through
Nuclear Reactions of Hydrogen Adsorbed by Orbital Capture to a Metal
Crystalline Nanostructure”, which is due to be published on October
27, 2012.
And then last week they filed a third patent application, the title of
which is not yet known, and which should be published in January of

It looks like 2011 will be the year cold fusion attempts to make it on
the commercial stage, and with at least two competitors.
Piantelli’s group appears to be starting off at a disadvantage to
Rossi and Defkalion, as Defkalion claims to have already achieved a 6×
to 30× energy gain. (See Section 3: “Product Status” in the white
However, Piantelli professes to have a comprehensive theory of the
hydrogen-nickel reaction, which may speed up his group’s research.
Cold fusion is not exactly suffering from a lack of explanatory
hypotheses, but if Piantelli’s hypothesis fits well with the available
evidence and, more importantly, if it makes predictions that can be
tested experimentally, it will be worthy of the notice even of
detractors of cold fusion research.

[ linked 2011.08.20
sito in costruzione
hosting su piattaforma Apache/2.2 ]

Cold Fusion Patent Fight Could Be Developing in Italy
August 4, 2011

A legal battle over patents on cold fusion technology could be
developing in Italy.
One patent for cold fusion technology has already been granted for
Andrea Rossi’s energy catalyzer or e-cat device in May.

This blog reports that three more patents for a similar
nickel-hydrogen Cold Fusion device have been filed by Francesco
Piantelli who did cold fusion research with Rossi’s partner Sergio
Focardi has formed his own company NichEnergy to develop a similar low
energy nuclear reactor.

Rossi and other scientists with e-cat [ photo ]

It is not known if these patents will affect Rossi’s efforts to patent
the energy catalyzer in other countries.
Rossi has licensed e-cat technology to Defkalion in Greece and
AmpEnergo in the United States.
No patents for the device have been granted outside Italy.

Francesco Piantelli [photo ]

It also unclear if Piantelli plans to challenge Rossi’s patent or if
Rossi will contest Piantelli’s filings.
Patent infringement lawsuits are common in some countries including
the United States.
If a legal battle did develop it is hard to say who would win. Rossi
was the first to build, test and patent device.

Piantelli reportedly does not have a working reactor, Rossi does.

Yet Piantelli apparently made the discovery that led to the process in 1989.
He also reportedly has devised a comprehensive theory to back up his
research, which Rossi may not have....

New (?) Piantelli group patent
AUGUST 16, 2011
tags: nichenergy, piantelli
by Ivy Matt

The title of a patent application recently filed by the Piantelli
group has been revealed on the Italian Patent and Trademark Office

metodo e apparato per generare energia mediante reazioni nucleari di
idrogeno adsorbito per cattura orbitale da una nanostruttura
cristallina di un metallo

That is, “Method and Apparatus for Generating Energy through Nuclear
Reactions of Hydrogen Adsorbed by Orbital Capture to a Metal
Crystalline Nanostructure*”.

If you’re feeling a sense of déjà vu, it’s because the Piantelli group
filed a patent application on April 26 of this year with the exact
same title.
This newer patent application was filed on July 14.
Presumably it covers a different aspect of the Piantelli group’s work
than the April patent.
Or perhaps it’s an amendment to the April patent.
Because the contents of either patent are unknown, it’s difficult to say.
The April patent will be published on October 27, 2012.
The newer patent will be published on January 15, 2013.
In most countries patent applications must be published 18 months
after they are filed.

Also, as mentioned in an update to my last post, Peter Gluck is
reporting that Francesco Piantelli and Roy Virgilio are collaborating
on a book titled Galileo e il metodo scientifico attraverso i secoli,
or Galileo and the scientific method during the ages.

*My translation, made for this post. After taking the time to read
through the hypothesis proposed in Piantelli’s 2008 patent
application, however, I feel that the phrase “hydrogen adsorbed by
orbital capture” is incorrect, because the adsorption is a process
that happens before the orbital capture. Any corrections by those who
speak Italian are welcome.


Review of Cold Fusion patents
AUGUST 18, 2011
by David J. French
The following is the first in a series of articles by David French, a
patent attorney with 35 years experience, which will review patents of
interest touching on the field of Cold Fusion.

This first review will address two patent applications filed based on
inventions by Francesco PIANTELLI of Italy.
 Ivy Matt on August 16, 2011 in two posting on Cold Fusion addressed
the recent initiatives of Piantelli, making extensive reference to
Piantelli’s most recent published patent application filed in 2008, as
well as further unpublished applications of April 16 and July 14, 2011
(link here).
This present posting will go to the beginning, comparing Piantelli’s
earlier work with his more recent patent initiatives.

Piantelli was one of the earlier researchers who, in 1995, pioneered
combining hydrogen with nickel to produce anomalous excess energy.
The two published patent references identifying him as an inventor are
as follows:

STIMULATED FUSION filed initially 27.01.1994 in Italy (link here)

World applicant (except US): UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA, Italy

initially 24.11.2008 in Italy

World Applicants (except US): Silvia and Francesco PIANTELLI, Luigi
BERGOMI, and Tiziano GHIDINI, all of Italy (link here)

Both of these applications are PCT filings.
That is they are world filings made under the Patent Cooperation
Treaty and do not represent patents.
Rather, they are applications that have been filed through a central
patent application processing mechanism, the PCT.

These applications started with an initial filing in each case in Italy.
Within 12 months corresponding upgraded applications were filed within
the PCT system.
Both applications were published as of 18 months from their Italian
filing dates.
As of 30 months from the original filing date, it’s required to exit
the PCT and make national entry filings in individual countries.
Today some 130+ countries can be accessed in this manner.
Once a patent application has been prepared (which can cost
$5000-$25,000 plus) an application can be filed in the PCT for around
One benefit of a PCT application is that it will delay the deadline
for making national filings until the 30th month from the earliest
world filing date.

The first Piantelli filing

The first of the above applications eventually did produce national
filings in Canada, Czechoslovakia, the European Patent Office,
Finland, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania and Sweden.
Patents were actually granted in New Zealand and by the European
Patent Office but the corresponding application was refused in
In other countries the applications may have been granted, refused or
may have been abandoned during their pendency.
The disclosure in all of these filings was identical to the PCT
published disclosure.

This list of countries is certainly different from what you would
normally expect.
Significantly absent is a filing in the United States.
The Canadian filing was abandoned in 2003.

Significance of filing and/or grant of a patent

Not a lot of credit should be given to the fact that a patent
application is filed or that a patent has been granted in terms of the
legitimacy of the disclosure.
Patent offices evaluate patent applications on whether they claim
something which is new.
Normally, they do not evaluate whether the inventions are good or even
whether they work.
The only exception is when the inventor proposes to patent something
that a national patent office suspects will not function at all, e.g.
a perpetual motion machine.
Presently, the US Patent Office requires proof that Cold Fusion has
actually been obtained if a patent application states that it has
achieved Cold Fusion.
If the requisite evidence is filed, then this objection to patenting
can be overcome.

The first Piantelli filing, continued

The first application was filed in the name of an Italian university.
Presumably, the sole inventor, Francesco Piantelli was a faculty
member at the University at the time.
Accordingly, he had probably agreed to transfer his rights to the University.
The decision to file is likely to have been made by the University.
Similarly, the decision to abandon filings or applications was also
likely made by the University.

This first filing is not relevant today for what it claimed as being a
new invention in 1994.
 But it is relevant for what it discloses.
Anything disclosed in an application once it has been published can no
longer be patented by anybody, anywhere in the world.
That is a fundamental requirement for the granting of patents everywhere:
that they be focused on a feature which is new in the sense that the
claimed feature has never previously been made “available to the

This standard bars patenting for anything to which the public has
already had access, whether it was available in writing, posted in an
electronic database, or accessible through public use or sales.
This is called the “prior art”.
A patent applicant is also barred from claiming any obvious variants
on the prior art.

To limit the length of this posting, we will review the second
Piantelli filing in the next posting.
Meanwhile, readers will find it interesting to examine both patent
documents by clicking on the links provided above.
Explore the screens that these links will take you to.
The PCT authority provides links to the description of the patent
document and to the status of the application as it proceeds through
the system.
Of particular interest are the “claims” which the applicant wishes to
eventually have approved for inclusion as part of a final patent.
Claims define the scope of the exclusive rights granted under the patent.

The claims as sought on filing rarely correspond to the claims as
finally granted.
An examiner in each national patent office will do a search and
criticize the application, requiring corrections and changes.
No changes can be made to the “story”.
But the claims can be re-worded so that they are in proper form.
To be in proper form, a claim must not describe anything that was
previously available to the public.

Patents often appear overwhelmingly complex to someone who is
examining a patent for the first time.
But once you get used to the experience, there is a vast world of
valuable information available for those who are not intimidated.

To help people understand the “story” in these Piantelli patents,
reference can also be made to the second August 16, 2011 Cold Fusion
Now posting of Ivy Matt concerning Roy Virgilio (link here).

The next posting will address the second patent application and the
further unpublished filings made by Piantelli in April and July of
this year.

David French is a retired patent attorney and the principal and CEO of
Second Counsel Services.
Second Counsel provides guidance for companies that wish to improve
their management of Intellectual Property.
For more information visit: .

David French is prepared to address questions included as commentaries
to any of his postings.
In particular, he would like to learn what people need to know in
order to better understand patents.

Peter Gluck and others are talking up Francesco Pianelli:

[  Posted by Peter Gluck at 6:52 AM ]



How does apply Prof. Piantelli the Rules of Galileo in practice

Applications of Galileo’s Rules in TM-LENR (from Piantelli’s messages)

His experimental facts gathered in 20+ years of work in the most
orthodox mode possible and following the 4 rules of Galileo -- still
not completed…have shown him a way (he has arrived to the 4th rule

Note: When our intensive and, for me, very instructive and enjoyable
correspondence has started -- March 2010, he wrote about the state of
facts in his own LENR research- in his laboratory from Colle di Val

We are in the preindustrial phase.
The reproducibility is 100%
There are possible modulations of power of 50%
We have already determined the primary reactions
We have determined some of the secondary reactions
We have made tests with other transition metals (besides Ni) and the
results are excellent, in special for one of the metals used.
The theory is in course of publication and I have sent you the abstracts.
One of our cells has now worked in our lab at Colle di Val d’Elsa with
good stability (fluctuations less than 5%)
We have evidenced emissions of photons of high energy, continuously
It is put in evidence a non-electrostatic potential difference between
the extremities of the rod on which the metal clusters are deposited.

In meantime, he made great advances and is working, in the spirit and
the practice of the scientific method -- on scale-up. (in 2010 he was
on the intensity level of tens of Watts energy gain)  [ more... ]

Colle di Val d'Elsa or Colle Val d'Elsa is a town and comune in
Tuscany, Italy, in the province of Siena.
It has a population of c. 20,000 (2005).
Its name means "Hill of Elsa Valley", where "Elsa" is the name of the
river which crosses it.
Today, Colle di Val d'Elsa is internationally renowned for the
production of crystal glassware and art (15% of world production),
largely produced in the industrial lower town. ]
very colorful, also 2011 posts linked

thermal electrochemical corrosion of the electric input power heating
resistor in the Rossi device: Rich Murray 2011.07.19
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
[ at end of each long page, click on Older Posts ]
[ you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser ]

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505    505-819-7388
Skype audio, video rich.murray11 new primary archive
group with 118 members, 1,625 posts in a public archive

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