
I stumbled upon in the internet a very simple method for doing
extremely accurate (up to two or three significant digits, depending
on insulation) calorimetric analysis for any water boiler. Method is
simple and all measurements are accurate:

– Just weight 5 kg water into bucket.
– Measure the temperature of water. (preferred temperature is the same
as inlet water temperature)
– Put hot water/steam outlet hose into bucket for 5 minutes.
– After the experiment, weight the water in the bucket and measure the
temperature change.
– To refine accuracy, after the experiment, observe for 5 min how fast
70°C water is cooling.

This gives accurately the amount of heat outlet hose is carrying with
steam and hot water. It is sad that Mats Lewan did not realize this
simple to do calorimetric method. If he had realized this, he would
have observed ΔT to be around 30-40°C and this would have spared us
all from lots of excess heat generated in discussion forums.

This is also strong argument that sloppy science in E-Cat
demonstrations was not Rossi's fault, but those independent observers,
such as Galantini, Levi, Lewan, Kullander & Essén, could have just
pointed out this simple and accurate calorimetric method, if they had
been smart enough. But instead Galantini, Kullander, etc. performed
irrelevant measurements when they tried to measure wetness of steam,
although it is well known fact that all water boilers on Earth produce
ca. 98% quality steam (±0.015), in normal pressure.


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