On Sep 22, 2011, at 3:35 PM, fznidar...@aol.com wrote:

Keith Owens is to present my latest paper at the World Green Energy Symposium what is being held in October 19-21 in Philadelphia. Go if you can.

'Science in Society' magazine out of London is doing a story on me in their winter addition. Get a copy,

Frank Z

Ha!  A society wonk now!   Moving up the social ladder I take it.  8)

Do you mean Keith is passing out copies at his Cold Fusion Energy Inc. booth? I get the impression Keith does not have the technical background to understand or present the paper. It is a bit concerning that someone with so little exposure to the field is representing the LENR community. Philadelphia is pretty close to Washington, DC. It would probably be beneficial if he had some technical help at the booth. You might ask him, but I get the impression he would appreciate help, posters and materials, and would like to have experiments, or experiment mock-ups. It is great that new energetic people like Keith are coming to the field. The grey beards are gradually unable to continue in the field or dying off. I hope he gets lots of support.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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