Hello group,

This got just forwarded to me:

Have a look to the September 5th and 6th entries. It looks like they have been added yesterday. I'm pasting them here:

Sept. 8, 2011   Rossi meeting with fourth potential customer (investor)
Sept. 7, 2011   Rossi device test for Lewan/Ny Teknik. Device shows outflow of 
steam and water.
Sept. 6, 2011   Rossi device test with third potential customer (investor). 
NASA staff present. Test inconclusive; no outflow of steam or water.
Sept. 5, 2011   Rossi device test with third potential customer (investor). 
NASA staff present. Test inconclusive; plumbing leak.

Assuming they are truthful, they do seem to confirm that staff from NASA was present during the early September tests, with reportedly inconclusive results (for trivial reasons, I would say).

This appears to clash with other publicly available information, even with Bushnell's to some extent, who recently congratulated Krivit for his good reporting work, although he clarified on a follow-up email *unpublished by Krivit* that he wasn't referring to Rossi (this is my interpretation though. have a look here for details: http://goo.gl/PSYwc [1])


[1] From Passerini's blog. Long URL: http://22passi.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-is-krivit-up-to.html

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