I didn't mean to be pedantic in that statement on the secondary cooling water.  
It's just important to look at TOTAL energy in and out.  This means looking at 
the power to "warm it up" before operation starts, too.  If we don't consider 
the amount of energy used to "get it up to operating temperature", then a 
fundamental imbalance can occur.

Not to over-simplify, but consider this example:
I take an old blacksmith's anvil.  I warm it in a kiln over two day to roughly 
orange-hot (it is going to hold this heat for a LONG time, especially if 
Now, I tell you to disregard all of the energy expended in getting it up to 
operating temperature.  
We hook up a nine-volt battery to the top and bottom of the anvil.  For the 
next two hours, be fry two dozen eggs on the top of the anvil.  Calculations 
begin, and we conclude that a 9V battery cannot possibly have enough chemical 
energy to fry two dozen eggs over a mass of steel that large for two whole 
The energy expended in getting the anvil up to "operating temperature" would 
more than balance this equation, and is necessary beyond a doubt.  Think of it 
as potential energy, just like a coiled spring or a raised weight.
I'm just worried that the calculations will rely on "heat after death".  The 
last time Rossi showed "heat after death", there were serious questions on 
whether it was just cooling at the same rate required to warm it.  A constant 
input power would be more conclusive, IMHO, unless we see a "heat after death" 
scenario that doesn't:
a) include constant reapplications of power
b) ignore the stored (potential) heat energy
Again, FWIW, I really hope that this is a conclusive test.  There are very 
reputable sources that claim observance of anomolous heat, and I am inclined to 
believe that LENR is making large strides behind-the-scenes.  I'm just making a 
prediction on Rossi's upcoming demonstration for prediction's sake. I predict 
that the gains will still be questionable, and that the "heat after death" 
scenario is only going to serve to muddy the water.
Skeptical not Pseudo-Skeptical,


Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 13:59:33 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:prediction for the Oct 6 Fat Cat demo

I wrote: 

It never occurred to me anyone would start the secondary loop after the machine 
warms up, but I will tell them they better do it that way.
Better NOT do it that way. I just told them:

"The secondary cooling loop should be started before the Rossi device is turned 
on. You should confirm that the inlet and outlet temperatures are the same. In 
other words confirm that the inlet and outlet thermocouples are calibrated and 
they agree to within 0.1°C when tap water flows through."

They say ok.

- Jed


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