> Further, the fact the data is highly variable is an indication the
> hot water arrives at the heat exchanger in slugs.
> That's my take on it.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner


The eCat's running in the same weird mode as Lewan/Sept ... at 120C 1 Bar (?) 
50% fluid water out.
The observation-port temperature is stable (as Rossi said) but it arrives at 
the exchanger in slugs.

Lewan took a random sample of slug-arriving/slug-exchanging/slug-departing .. 
with a (probably) exponential rise and decay of Tout with each slug -- which 
explains the highly variable output of 3 kW to 8 kW.

So the calculation of output energy from Tout is ... unusable? strange? 
I wonder what kind of statistics one should use to calculate the total.

(I know a professional Bayesian statistician, but I'm not sure we have enough 
data to ask the right question.)

(ps ... just back online, so there may be other responses to this that I 
haven't read)

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