One of the reasons that Rossi may not wish to run a very long test is
that I suspect that HE is the control mechanism.  When it is run in
self-sustaining mode, after some period it will need to be briefly
reheated to stabilize the mode.  If it was not in self-sustaining mode,
then it may be in greater danger of thermal run-away which he would
control by increasing the cooling flow rate or by reducing the hydrogen
pressure.  We have not seen any demonstration of automated equipment to
do this, so I suspect Rossi is the control mechanism.  It would be hard
for him to run a continuous test for days (when would he sleep?).  OR,
he would have to divulge the control technique and train a couple of
assistants to man the machine (which I think he also doesn't want to

-----Original Message-----
From: Vorl Bek [] 

> Rossi Source for Fox and MSNBC: Obama Teleported to Mars
> >

I am beginning to like Krivit; that one was pretty funny.

And he had the brains and initiative to make the FOIA request to

It is hard not to think Rossi is a conman or massively self-deluded
- Nelson's comments just put the cap on what has been asked so
often: why does Rossi's six-month-between-charges e-cat never
self-sustain long enough to eliminate the possibility of the heat
coming from a chemical reaction?

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