Higgins Bob-CBH003 <bob.higg...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:

One of the reasons that Rossi may not wish to run a very long test is that
> I suspect that HE is the control mechanism.  When it is run
> in self-sustaining mode, after some period it will need to be
> briefly reheated to stabilize the mode.  If it was not in self-sustaining
> mode, then it may be in greater danger of thermal run-away . . .

This is what Rossi has said on many occasions. He says he cannot leave the
thing, especially in self-sustaining mode.

They left it alone for many hours during the 18 hour test in February. It
was not self-sustaining. When they first turned on during that test, it
briefly went up to much higher power levels, with the output thermocouple
registering 40°C. Rossi was reportedly frightened by this. You would have
to be crazy not to be frightened by this. I think it was going out of
control. In my opinion,  back in February Rossi had little control over
this reaction. I sure hope he now knows much more about it now.

This is one of the reasons I was afraid the thing might explode during the
1 MW reactor test.

In the patent, Rossi claims that a large reactor ran for many months
unattended in Italy. He listed the address. Several Italian say they saw
this machine running, so I suppose it is true. I believe there was
considerable input power in this case. Apparently when the input-output
ratio is low, the reaction is stable. I have no idea why that should be.

- Jed

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