Am 20.11.2011 01:01, schrieb Jouni Valkonen:

Peter, I do not see how it would be possible, because if water is atomized (it would cause also loud sound instead of observed gentle boiling sound), it cannot climb the chimney, because atomized water quickly returns into liquid in the closed container if velocity is low. This is also the reason why water traps are working.

And if there is low quality steam, then steam velocity cannot be high because water mass flow was low, few gramms per second. So no matter how you look it, low quality steam is physical impossibility with ecat.

So lets do Rossi a favour and lets assume this as true.
I am anyway tired about the steam discussion. Its waste of time.

Rossi says he has heated a room and he intends to sell the ecat for heating applications. So why doesnt he simply demonstrate this? The waterflow and delta_t is easily measured at the radiators. This is the energy that the customer finally gets and everything else can be ignored. He can install the radiators at open air or open all windows in the room and then he can easily dissipate 10 kW 24/7.

This satifies the customer and satisfies the scientists, so far the energy production is under question. Then all questions about energy production are answered and only the energy consumption has to be examined.


In different ecats 40-80% of input water was vaporized. This can be calculated from steam pressure, that naturally correlates with amount of steam produced.


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