On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

> Am 20.11.2011 01:01, schrieb Jouni Valkonen:
> Rossi says he has heated a room and he intends to sell the ecat for
> heating applications.
> So why doesnt he simply demonstrate this? The waterflow and delta_t is
> easily measured at the radiators. This is the energy that the customer
> finally gets and everything else can be ignored. He can install the
> radiators at open air or open all windows in the room and then he can
> easily dissipate 10 kW 24/7.

That's what I've been asking.  Jed Rothwell says he has proof that Rossi
had a 35 kW heater that ran continuously as a heater -- several people saw
it.  But he won't provide the slightest documentation that this is true.

Here's the amazing part of the whole story:  Rossi never had to bother with
making E-cats or "Ottoman" cats or a megawatt plant to prove his device
works.  All he had to do was to take the scientists and reporters with some
minimal meausring instruments to the factory and let them talk to whoever
worked there the whole year the device was heating the plant.  And then he
could have let them test the thing -- 35 kW is a lot!  That sort of output
should be very obvious.  But somehow Rossi never did it and Jed isn't
allowed to provide the evidence.   Strange, isn't it?

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