Well, I guess I thought that you could see reasonable argument and progress 
from there, but now I suspect that I was wrong.  It will not be productive to 
continue with this line of discussion.

Unless you have a change of attitude, I will not devote any more energy in 
trying to teach you how the system works.  Your mind is closed.

Just carry along with the other skeptics until you see how wrong you have been. 
 I am absolutely certain that Rossi has a working system and you will 
understand this well in a fairly short time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Nov 19, 2011 1:18 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:High school physics says > 1 GJ excess energy for the Oct. 28 

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 9:55 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

>If you claim the heating elements are submerged, then I completely agree that 
>if the steam were dry, fluctuations in power in the ecats would be 
>accommodated by fluctuations in output flow rate, and variations in the water 
>level. In this case, the steam has to be at >the boiling point, because there 
>is nothing to heat the steam after it is formed.  If you agree that the 
>measured output temperature is at the boiling point though, then the question 
>about why it's so stable is not necessary. Because that's what I was trying to 
>establish >in the first place. If the output were 1% steam, it would also be 
>at the boiling point. Since the temperature is the only thing measured,  it 
>does not constitute evidence for dry steam.

I think we both think that the system operates as you described above.  The 
heater is submerged and the dry steam exits the output check valve heading 
toward the dissipaters. 

No. I don't think that at all. That operation is consistent with the 
temperature being at the boiling point, but it is not by any means necessary. 
And in fact the 8-fold increase in power required makes it completely 

The thing we agree on is that the output is at the boiling point.

We are beginning to make a lot of progress.  

Polite debate is fine, but please don't get patronizing. You have not 
understood my argument yet. And it's not that complicated. I think progress is 
minimal, so far.

>The reason I asked the question about the stable temperature, was to counter 
>the claim that the temperature was above the boiling point, and therefore the 
>steam must be dry. I think F. made that claim in his interview with Lewan, or 
>at least implied it. If the steam is >above the boiling point, then part of 
>the heaters must be exposed to heat the steam. And in that case the level 
>would be regulated pretty tightly by the need to balance the ecat power with 
>the output power, since the power transfer would depend strongly on the 
>>amount of the heater submerged. With the level relatively stable, the output 
>flow rate would be pretty constant, and then fluctuations in power would 
>result in fluctuations in steam temperature. An increase in the power would 
>cause a brief increase in the boiling rate, >but that would reduce the level, 
>causing the boiling rate to decrease, restoring the level, so the increased 
>power would have to be removed by hotter steam. It is undoubtedly not as 
>simple as the formula I gave, but if the steam is already a few degrees above 
>the >boiling point, it seems pretty reasonable that power fluctuations would 
>result in significant temperature fluctuations.

Super heating is not in the cards in my opinion.  The system design did not 
suggest that to me so I have never really thought about it in any detail.

If the power exceeded the power necessary for complete vaporization, 
superheating would be the only way to remove the heat faster. At the flow rate 
given, 470 kW is the power you get for complete vaporization. So, imagine if 
the power was 670 kW. The only way to remove 670 kW at the given flow rate, 
would be if the steam heated above the boiling point. In fact way, way above it.

>So, the relatively stable output temperature indicates that it is at the 
>boiling point (including in your scenario), or the power is stable to 1% (in 
>the second scenario).

Yes, I agree that the boiling of the water within the ECAT devices is linked to 
the output via the check valve and thus the temperature is controlled to a 
reasonable degree. The interactions among the various ECATs can get very 
interesting with the non linear behavior associated with the valve performance.

You're complicating matters with something we don't know anything about. If the 
heating elements are submerged or at least wetted, then the steam has to be at 
the local boiling point. Full stop. 

  But to me the fact that the steam must exit through a small aperture that 
sits above the water level suggests that it will be pretty dry.  

Here's where we differ. And this is the crux of the matter.

We have no evidence that the water level is below the top, or for that matter 
any idea of what is going on inside the ecat. All we know is that the output is 
at the boiling point, so there is some steam present.

Try to think what would happen if the power were say 235 kW. Then, you'd have 
half the water vaporized at the heating elements. Now steam is 1700 times as 
voluminous as water (at atmosphere), so you'd have enormous turbulence going 
on. And the mixture would be more than 99% gas (by volume). And yet, since only 
half of the water (by mass) gets vaporized the other half has to leave as 
liquid, or stay behind. At equilibrium, the most likely scenario is it leaves 
as a mist formed from the turbulence and entrained in the gas. In that case, 
you'd get a mist leaving at the boiling point. The temperature would be at the 
boiling point, just as was measured. 

Now, if you claim that the liquid stays behind, and only dry steam exits, well, 
then the output mass flow rate would be 1/2 of the input mass flow rate. And 
then the calculation of the power has to use this reduced flow rate. But Rossi 
uses the input flow rate for his calculation of the power.

Either way, the same temperature measurement would be consistent with 235 kW as 
it is with 470 kW. If the liquid did escape as a mist, which is more likely, it 
would not be trapped by their liquid trap (think mist from a mister), 
especially if the valve was closed, and so again the measurements are 
completely consistent with 235 kW. 

Likewise they are also consistent with 100 kW and 70 kW.

And, the lack of water collection in the capture vessel suggests pretty dry 

Again, it suggests no such thing. Even if the valve was open, it would not have 
trapped liquid from a mist. You can get real steam traps that drain liquid 
condensate without losing steam, but they do nothing for entrained drops. For 
that, you can get a steam separator/ steam trap combination, but Rossi clearly 
used nothing like that. So, I have no confidence that Rossi removed the liquid 
from the output.

The layout of the piping for the steam path was arranged to allow the HVAC 
engineer to capture any significant water that flows inside these pipes.

No, it clearly wasn't. At the very least, there should be a U-shaped pipe with 
a steam trap at the bottom, but as I said, to capture droplets, you also need a 
steam separator.

  I have to assume that he is experienced in this type of testing and would 
understand any mechanism that demonstrates low quality vapor. 

You certainly don't have to assume that. The report that claims 470 kW should 
provide evidence to support it. And claiming that liquid was captured is not 
evidence that it was. If he ran the system with 235 kW (electric), and showed 
that half the output was liquid using his trap, that would be evidence. If he 
at least used a steam separator, and a real steam trap, it might be somewhat 
plausible. As it is, there is no evidence at all.

And that leaves out the observations that (1) the valve to the trap looked 
closed in Lewan's video, and (2) there is another huge pipe to carry fluid with 
no trap at all.

All he would really need is something to measure the velocity of the output 
steam. That would indicate the degree of vaporization pretty well.


This is the type of trick one learns on the job.

This is the type of argument that does nothing for me.


I suspect that we can agree on another factor after this discussion.  In your 
earlier posts, you seemed to insist that the actual power output was 70 kW or 
in that ball park.

What I'm insisting is that the evidence is consistent with power as low as 70 

  I have not made the calculation yet, so I will accept your figure at this 
time.  But, now I assume that you would allow that the output must be somewhat 
greater since we can see that a lot of vapor is generated by the ECATs.  Do you 
agree that the output is heading toward the 480 kW range now?

No. We don't see a lot of vapor generated. We see no vapor at all. We just see 
the temperature. And based on considerations of thermal inertia, I suspect the 
power was not much above 70 kW, at least for a considerable length of time 
after the onset of boiling. But the point is we don't know anything beyond that.

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