On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 7:59 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Unless you have a change of attitude, I will not devote any more energy in
> trying to teach you how the system works.  Your mind is closed.

Again, with the condescension. But that kind of statement actually shows
that it is your mind that is closed. You are certain you are right, and
that I need to be taught. That's a closed mind. And then you go on to state
it explicitly below.

> Just carry along with the other skeptics until you see how wrong you have
> been.  I am absolutely certain that Rossi has a working system and you will
> understand this well in a fairly short time.

I don't know why you think that kind of certainty has any value in an
argument. It sounds like a religious statement, not a rational one. Would
it help my case if I told you I was certain that you will understand your
mistake in the future. No. I thought not. Probably it won't be anytime
soon. Rossi's type usually knows how to string his disciples along for
years. There are many examples.

What your statement of certainty reveals is that you are unable to explain
how the output being at the boiling point proves 100% vaporization, so you
ignore it. To cut my previous post down to a single challenge: think about
what you would observe if the power were 235 kW instead of 470 kW. Would
the temperature be any different? Would Rossi collect any water in his trap
through a closed valve?

Oh, and one more implausibility occurred to me, that might be a little
easier for you to understand. When the 8-fold increase in power transfer
occurs, it not only means heating up a lot of thermal mass very quickly,
but it also means that *all 107 ecats* have to turn on exactly at the onset
of boiling. How on earth could that happen? The core of the ecat doesn't
know when boiling starts, so it's amazing that even one knows when to turn
on, but for all to turn on at the same time would be pretty amazing.

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