Am 20.11.2011 09:47, schrieb Aussie Guy E-Cat:
Amazing statements. Again with no basis in fact. Just more straw man totally negative spin stuff. I've been a power system engineer for probably longer than you have been alive. I do know how to construct a test of the E-Cat. I have also been used by several patent attorneys and investor groups around Australia to devise tests for OU devices, which I should add the inventors never agreed to.

What information I can share as I move through the process I will share. However that is not the intent of the process. My intent is to make money from the E-Cat.
Remember Henry Ford. He had the philosophy that making money is second priority.
First make a working product.
Then sell it and make money.

Possibly contact Defkalion. They write they will accept all tests demanded by the customer. With their current announcements, if true, the investment into Rossis technology could be a mistake, because he shows no willingness to do conclusive testing or cooperation on the technical aspects.


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