Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> So you didn't say not to run a blank/calibration run (you know what I mean
> when I shorthand that to "blank")?

I repeat for the last time:

"Let this company handle everything. They have the instruments. They know
the local regulations. They have done this thousands of times before. . . .

You stay out of their way. . . ."

If they want to calibrate or do a blank, that is their decision.

Of course you need to have confidence in their judgement and experience.
You need to discuss the plans with them. The engineering firm has to have
experience dealing with boilers of this size. AG appears to be experienced
engineer himself, so he should have no difficulty judging that.

> And why in the world would you trust people who install large industrial
> devices?

Because they install large industrial devices. If they did not know how to
do that right, they would kill themselves and blow up large buildings.

In my experience they have a lot of practical knowledge on how to do their
> jobs according to instructions and protocols but not the formal education
> to understand the reasons.

Well, your experience is not mine. You seem to have a low opinion of
engineers. The kind of firms I have in mind are qualified to write the
instructions and protocols.

Rossi's device isn't an ordinary boiler for goodness' sake!  It's a
> flippin' NUCLEAR FUSION REACTOR with claims of awesome power capabilities.
> I wouldn't let an HVAC engineer near it.

This kind of statement illustrates why I say a person should not listen to

- Jed

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